Jianyu Zheng

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Recent studies reveal that a higher fraction of coarse mineral dust particles than that estimated by climate model simulations has been observed in the atmosphere, leading to a more significant positive (i.e., warming) longwave (LW) thermal infrared (TIR) direct radiative effect (DRE). However, the magnitude of this DRE remains highly uncertain because our understanding of the radiative properties, quantitatively represented by the optical depth of dust, especially information on the TIR, remains limited. This study presents a simple approach to retrieve the thermal infrared dust aerosol optical depth (DAODTIR) over oceans during nighttime using the observations from the Infrared Imaging Radiometer (IIR) and the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) onboard CALIPSO. For each cloud-free dust-laden profile identified by the IIR-CALIOP observation, a Lookup-Table (LUT) of the 10.6 μm IIR band brightness temperatures difference (dBT) under different DAODTIR with respect to their dust-free BTs is constructed based on the CALIOP retrieved dust vertical profile and pre-assumed dust scattering properties using a fast radiative transfer model. Then the DAODTIR is retrieved by projecting the IIR-observed dBT on the LUT. Sensitivity studies show that the DAODTIR retrieval at 10.6 μm is more susceptible to the dust particle size distribution (PSD) assumption than dust refractive indices. To estimate the uncertainty caused by PSD assumption, two DAODTIR retrieval products, one based on the dust PSD from the AERONET at Cape Verde and the other on an in situ measured PSD from the recent Fennec campaign, are provided. The retrieval uncertainty is mainly contributed by the BT difference between the observation and simulation using auxiliary atmospheric data. The climatology of the retrieval from 2013 to 2019 shows confident spatiotemporal variations of DAODTIR with the global-averaged value of 0.006 and 0.008 based on different pre-assumed dust PSDs. Climatological results agree reasonably well with two independent DAODTIR retrieval products based on the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) over the active dust transport regions, such as North and Tropical Atlantic (r = 0.904 and 0.819) and Indian Ocean (r = 0.832). The seasonal and interannual variation is also well-compared (r = 0.758) with AERONET coarse-mode AOD at 97 selected sites. The synergic CALIOP observation allows the retrieved DAODTIR to directly compare with the extrapolated DAODTIR from DAOD in visible (i.e., 532 nm), which helps evaluate the observational constraints on DAODTIR. This study offers a unique prospect of collocating active lidar and passive IR observations for retrieving dust DAODTIR.

Lazaros Oreopoulos

and 4 more

Our objective is to test and improve cloud subcolumn generators used for greater realism of scales in the radiation schemes and satellite simulators GCMs. For this purpose, we use as guidance water content fields from active observations by the CloudSat radar (CPR) and the CALIPSO lidar (CALIOP). Cloud products from active sensors while suffering significant sampling and coverage drawbacks have the advantage of resolving both horizontal and vertical variability which is what the generators are designed to produce. Our first order goal is to test the ability of the generators to deliver realistic 2D cloud extinction (cloud optical thickness) fields using, as in GCMs, limited domain-averaged information. Our reference 2D cloud extinction fields fully resolving horizontal (along the track of the satellites) and vertical variability come from combining CloudSat’s 2B-CWC-RVOD (liquid clouds) and CALIPSO-enhanced 2C-ICE (ice clouds) products. The combined fields were improved by introducing a simple scheme to fill liquid cloud extinction values identified as missing by comparing with coincident 2D (phase-specific) cloud masks provided by the CALIPSO-enhanced 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR CloudSat product. Our presentation will demonstrate the substantial improvements for low clouds brought by the filling scheme through comparisons with MODIS-Aqua cloud fraction distributions expressed in terms of joint cloud top pressure – cloud optical thickness histograms. Beyond global comparisons, the nature of the improvements become clearer when comparing mean joint histograms segregated by MODIS Cloud Regime (CR): improvement is by design superior for MODIS CRs dominated by low clouds. With the improved 2D extinction fields at hand, we test the skill of two subcolumn generators, one used in the COSP satellite simulator package, and one with more sophisticated cloud overlap implemented in the GEOS global model, to reproduce joint histograms that are statistically similar to the observed counterparts described above (as interpreted by COSP’s MODIS simulator). Our main comparison metrics are the Euclidean distance between observed and generator-produced global or near-global mean joint histograms, and the statistics of Euclidean distances calculated for individual scenes. One full year of data is used to assess whether the more sophisticated cloud generator produces clouds with greater realism in 2D cloud variability.