This scientific paper is focused on designing an isolation center for respiratory diseases that meets high standards of patient care while minimizing the risk of transmission of infectious viruses. The paper is based on a mixed-methods approach that includes a comprehensive review of existing literature on isolation centers and respiratory diseases, as well as visits to different facilities to gather data on best practices and equipment requirements. The resulting design incorporates feedback from experts in infection control and patient care to ensure that it meets high standards of patient care while minimizing the risk of transmission of infectious viruses. Key protocols for infection control were identified based on findings from the literature review and expert consultation. The paper provides valuable insights into best practices for designing and operating isolation centers treating respiratory diseases, and can help improve patient outcomes and reduce the spread of respiratory viruses in both high- and low-resource settings. The sources for this paper include a variety of references, including Bjørg Marit Andersen’s Background Information on Isolation Routines, the World Health Organization’s Infection Advice Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Royal College of Nursing’s Standards for Assessing, Measuring and Monitoring Vital Signs in Infants, Children and Young People, and the Design Guideline for COVID-19 Isolation Center Institute of Architects Bangladesh.