This paper contributes an extensive analysis of Dark Matter (DM) along with associated materials regarding the interpretation of its evidence from ‘cosmic microwave background radiation’, ‘gravitational lensing’, ‘galactic mergers and collisions’, ‘evolution and formation of galaxies’, ‘galactic clusters’, ‘Lambda-CDM models of the observable universe. Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs), Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP’s), Strongly Interacting Massive Particles (SIMPs), along with hot, warm, and cold DM, shedding an extensive overview of the γ_elastic of the cold DM after the chemical equilibrium is reached and kinetic decoupling happens earlier for γ_(in-elastic) accounting for 85% of the dominated matter in the universe. Scaler-Vector-Tensor (SVT) Gravity, MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MONDs), and Gravity of Entropy (GoE) have emerged as a supplement of the modified General Relativity (GR) as a source of non-baryonic DM scenarios in the universe. Observable evidence has been taken into account for the ‘dispersion of velocity’, ‘galactic rotation curves’, ‘Lyman-α forest simulations’, ’21 cm red-shift spectra’, ‘satellite sky surveys’, ‘formation of structures’, and ‘supernova measurements of Type Ia’. Direct evidence in the underground chamber for ‘nuclear giggles’ either ‘Cryogenic experiments CRESST, CDMS’ or ‘noble liquid gases XENON’ as a result of DM scattering via VECTOR-PORTALS and Indirect evidence as a result of sky-surveys like satellite telescopes ANTARES, AMANDA or through the ‘collider experiments’ in LHC, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.