Nashali Perera

and 5 more

* MiyuranganaEHADM

and 5 more

The relationship between team size and software quality has been a long-standing topic of debate in the software development industry. While larger teams were traditionally believed to be more productive and produce higher-quality software, recent research has shown that this relationship is more complex than originally thought. The paper examines several studies that have found conflicting results, highlighting the need for further research to explore the moderating factors that influence this relationship. The research suggests that team communication and coordination, developer experience, and project complexity are key factors that may interact with team size to influence software quality. Future studies should consider these moderating factors and use a range of quality metrics to provide a comprehensive assessment of software quality. These findings have important implications for project managers and software development teams who need to make informed decisions about team size and project planning. By optimizing team size and considering the factors that influence software quality, they can improve the overall quality of their software products. Effective communication and coordination among team members are critical to ensure that development efforts are aligned and productive, particularly when dealing with larger teams. Additionally, developers’ experience and the complexity of the project can affect the software quality outcome. Therefore, project managers must evaluate these factors and tailor team size and project planning accordingly to meet the desired quality objectives. Overall, the research provides insights into the complex relationship between team size and software quality, which can help project managers and software development teams make informed decisions to optimize their development efforts. By leveraging the moderating factors that influence software quality, teams can better understand how to improve their software products’ overall quality, leading to better outcomes for their organizations and end-users.

Hasni M.N.N

and 5 more

Despite recent improvements, gender equality remains a global concern. Technology has helped women and girls gain equal access to education, economic empowerment, political representation, and social and cultural standards. Technology has promoted gender equality by providing girls with superior education. Girls can now learn and connect with teachers anywhere via internet platforms, e-learning, and digital libraries. This has improved school quality and access, giving women more job prospects. Technology has empowered women economically by providing equal employment options. The gig economy allows women to work from home, determine their hours, and have more work-life balance. Women are starting their own enterprises, especially in e-commerce, where they may reach global clientele. Social internet allows women to speak out on political matters. This has increased women’s political representation, particularly in historically silent countries. Finally, technology has challenged societal and cultural standards like gender stereotypes that have prevented women from reaching their full potential. Technology empowers women to question gender conventions and expectations, changing society’s view of women. Technology offers opportunity but also challenges. For example, the gender digital divide limits women’s technology use. Cyberbullying and harassment affect women more than males online. In conclusion, technology can promote gender equality by giving women equal access to education, economic possibilities, political representation, and questioning social conventions. To make technology accessible to all women and girls, there are hurdles.
In order to solve the difficulties in recognizing and assisting those who are living in poverty, this research study explores the problem of poverty and suggests the creation of a web application. Despite the efforts of governments, non- governmental organizations, and humanitarian groups, poverty still affects millions of people globally and is a widespread issue. Therefore, it is essential to look into fresh approaches to solving this problem and to use technology to make life easier for NGOs and other organizations whose mission it is to reduce poverty. The suggested online application intends to link individuals in need with possible sponsors and contributors, deliver fun- damental healthcare and education to kids from disadvantaged homes, and make project registration for NGOs and other groups easier. Additionally, it aims to help farmers and self- employed people promote their goods in order to improve their standard of living. The presentation emphasizes the significance of combating poverty and the possible advantages of using tech- nology to improve the lives of the less fortunate. The study also examines contemporary technical advancements and poverty- fighting measures. The use of new technology can significantly increase the efficacy and efficiency of efforts to reduce poverty. The document underlines the necessity of an all-encompassing strategy for ending poverty and promotes cooperation across stakeholders including governments, NGOs, and the corporate sector. To make a long-lasting difference in the complicated problem of poverty, all parties must work together. The suggested online application can be crucial in solving some of the difficulties in identifying and assisting those in poverty. In order to reach the shared objective of ending poverty, the research advises greater investigation of technology-driven solutions for the problem as well as the encouragement of collaborations across stakeholders.