Ethan C. Campbell

and 8 more

Scientific programming has become increasingly essential for manipulating, visualizing, and interpreting the large volumes of data acquired in earth science research. Yet few discipline-specific instructional approaches have been documented and assessed for their effectiveness in equipping geoscience undergraduate students with coding skills. Here we report on an evidence-based redesign of an introductory Python programming course, taught fully remotely in 2020 in the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington. Key components included a flipped structure, synchronous activities infused with active learning, an individualized final research project, and a focus on creating an accessible learning environment. Cloud-based notebooks were used to teach fundamental Python syntax as well as functions from packages widely used in climate-related disciplines. By analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from surveys, online learning platforms, student work, assessments, and a focus group, we conclude that the instructional design facilitated learning and supported self-guided scientific inquiry. Students with less or no prior exposure to coding achieved similar success to peers with more previous experience, an outcome likely mediated by higher engagement with course resources. We believe that the constructivist approach to teaching introductory programming and data literacy that we present could be broadly applicable across the earth sciences and in other scientific domains.

Jade Sauvé

and 4 more

Despite its importance for the global cycling of carbon, there are still large gaps in our understanding of the processes driving annual and seasonal carbon fluxes in the high-latitude Southern Ocean. This is due in part to an historical paucity of observations in this remote, turbulent, and seasonally ice-covered region. Here, we use autonomous biogeochemical float data spanning 6 full seasonal cycles and with circumpolar coverage of the Southern Ocean, complemented by atmospheric reanalysis, to construct a monthly mixed layer budget of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). We investigate the processes that determine the annual mean and seasonal cycle of DIC fluxes in two different frontal zones of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)—the Sea Ice Zone (SIZ) and Antarctic Southern Zone (ASZ). We find that, annually, mixing with carbon-rich waters at the base of the mixed layer supplies DIC which is then, in the ASZ, either used for net biological production or outgassed to the atmosphere. In contrast, in the SIZ, where carbon outgassing and the biological pump are weaker, the surplus of DIC is instead advected northward to the ASZ. In other words, carbon outgassing in the southern ACC, which has been attributed to remineralized carbon from deep water upwelled in the ACC, is also due to the wind-driven transport of DIC from the SIZ. These results stem from the first observation-based carbon budget of the circumpolar Southern Ocean and thus provide a useful benchmark to evaluate climate models, which have significant biases in this region.