Michiko Moriyama

and 3 more

Objectives: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major public health concern that accounts for 74% of global deaths each year. The purpose of this study is to thematically analyze the contributory factors in the health policy process and reforms to strengthen the prevention of NCDs across borders; the milestones achieved through the process of policymaking, change, and implementation. Method: This paper informs and draws on the findings of contributory factors in the health policy process for the prevention of NCDs across borders: United States of America, England, Sweden, Bangladesh, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand. A descriptive qualitative study design guided by the “Three I’s” framework of public policy (institutions, ideas, and interests). A purposive sample of key informants who are relative players in the policymaking process (e-Interview). In addition to the information obtained from the interviewee, data was also sourced from relevant documents and homepages suggested by the interviewee as well as health homepages of the countries. Result: The following themes were generated: (1) Environmental policies and social determinants, (2) Multistakeholder involvement, (3) Interministerial collaboration, (4) Independent evidence and review institution, (5) National database, and (6) Primary care system. There was a shift from individual-targeted policies to environmental policies and social determinants. Notably, national campaigns were developed through Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the primary prevention of NCDs. Conclusion: The shift from behavioral modification and treatment to social determinants is important. NCDs are broad and require a multisector and multilevel approach. The establishment of an organization or hierarchical body to overlook NCDs could result in increased awareness, focus, and surveillance, and enhance the policy process.