Omer Burstein

and 3 more

We present the Satellite Vegetation Index Time Series model for detecting historical floods in ungauged hyperarid regions (SatVITS-Flood). SatVITS-Flood is based on observations that floods are the primary cause of local vegetation expansion in hyperarid regions. To detect such expansion, we used two time series metrics: (1) trend change detection from the Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFAST-trend) and (2) a newly developed seasonal change metric based on Temporal Fourier Analysis (TFA) and the growing-season integral anomaly (TFA-GSIanom). The two metrics complement each other by capturing changes in perennial species following extreme, rare floods and ephemeral vegetation changes following more frequent floods. Metrics were derived from the time series of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI), and the normalized difference water index (NDWI), acquired from MODIS, Landsat, and AVHRR. The timing of the change was compared with the date of the flood and the magnitude of change with its volume and duration. We tested SatVITS-Flood in three regions on different continents with 40 years long, systematic, reliable gauge data. Our results indicate that SatVITS-Flood can predict flood occurrence with an accuracy of 78% and precision of 67% (Recall=0.69 and F1=0.68; p<0.01), and the flood volume and duration with NSE of 0.79 (RMSE=15.4 Mm3 event–1), and R2 of 0.69 (RMSE=5.7 days), respectively. SatVITS-Flood proved useful for detecting historical floods and may provide valuable long-term hydrological information in poorly-documented areas, which can help understand the impacts of climate change on the hydrology of hyperarid regions.

Moshe Armon

and 7 more

Heavy precipitation events (HPEs) can lead to deadly and costly natural disasters and are critical to the hydrological budget in regions where rainfall variability is high and water resources depend on individual storms. Thus, reliable projections of such events in the future are needed. To provide high-resolution projections under the RCP8.5 scenario for HPEs at the end of the 21st century and to understand the changes in sub-hourly to daily rainfall patterns, weather research and forecasting (WRF) model simulations of 41 historic HPEs in the eastern Mediterranean are compared with “pseudo global warming” simulations of the same events. This paper presents the changes in rainfall patterns in future storms, decomposed into storms’ mean conditional rain rate, duration, and area. A major decrease in rainfall accumulation (-30% averaged across events) is found throughout future HPEs. This decrease results from a substantial reduction of the rain area of storms (-40%) and occurs despite an increase in the mean conditional rain intensity (+15%). The duration of the HPEs decreases (-9%) in future simulations. Regionally maximal 10-min rain rates increase (+22%), whereas over most of the region, long-duration rain rates decrease. The consistency of results across events, driven by varying synoptic conditions, suggests that these changes have low sensitivity to the specific large-scale flow during the events. Future HPEs in the eastern Mediterranean will therefore likely be drier and more spatiotemporally concentrated, with substantial implications on hydrological outcomes of storms.