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On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as a pandemic. The announcement had a cascading effect as countries around the world rushed to declare various states of emergencies. Canada was no exception. All Canadian provinces and territories implemented some health emergency measures to check the spread of COVID-19. This provided an opportunity to study the changes in seismic vibrations registered by the land-based seismic stations before, during, and after the lockdown. I analyzed continuous seismic data for 6 Canadian cities: Calgary (Alberta), Edmonton (Alberta), Montreal (Quebec), Ottawa (Ontario), Toronto (Ontario), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories). These cities represent the wide geographical spread of Canada. The source of data for the study was seismic stations run by the Canadian National Seismograph Network (CNSN). Data available freely on the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) website was used. Python and ObsPy were used to load and convert raw data into Probabilistic Power Spectral Densities (PPSDs). The seismic vibrations in the PPSDs that fell between 0.1 HZ and 20 HZ were extracted and averaged for every two weeks period to determine the trend of seismic vibrations. The lockdown had an impact on seismic vibrations in almost all the cities I analyzed. Except for Ottawa, the seismic vibrations decreased between 14% - 44% with the biggest decrease in Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. In the 3 densely packed cities of the population over 1 million - Toronto, Montreal, and Calgary, the seismic vibrations dropped by over 30%. In the case of Ottawa, the seismic vibrations increased by 8%. As not all seismic stations were equally close to the cities, they were not equally sensitive to changes in human activities. Furthermore, while lockdown happened in all the cities selected for the study, the strictness enforced and the participation of people in the lockdown varied. Many cities extended the lockdown without any change while others extended the lockdown with a loosening of restrictions. All these differences induced variations in the study. Finally, a comprehensive online training module was created using Jupyter notebooks to allow researchers to analyse lockdown data from other seismic stations.