Lan Wang-Erlandsson

and 7 more

A substantial amount of the tropical forests of South America and Africa is generated through moisture recycling (i.e., forest rainfall self-reliance). Thus, deforestation that reduces evaporation and dampens the water cycle can further increase the risk of water-stress-induced forest loss in downwind areas, particularly during water scarce periods. However, few studies have investigated dry period forest rainfall self-reliance over longer records and consistently compared the rainforest moisture recycling in both continents. Here, we analyze dry-season anomalies of moisture recycling for mean-years and dry-years, in the South American (Amazon) and African (Congo) rainforests over the years 1980-2013. We find that, in the dry seasons, the reliance of forest rainfall on their own moisture supply (ρfor) increases by 7% (from a mean annual value of 26% to 28%) in the Amazon and up to 30% (from 28% to 36%) in the Congo. Dry years further amplify dry season ρfor in both regions by 4-5%. In both the Amazon and Congo, dry season amplification of ρfor is strongest in regions with a high mean annual ρfor. In the Amazon, forest rainfall self-reliance has declined over time. At the country scale, dry season ρfor can differ drastically from mean annual ρfor. In for example Bolivia and Gabon, mean annual ρfor is ~30% while dry season ρfor is ~50%. The dry period amplification of forest rainfall self-reliance further highlights the role of forests for sustaining their own resilience, and for maintaining downwind rainfall at both regional and national scales.

Chandrakant Singh

and 4 more

Climate change and deforestation influence the rainfall patterns in the tropics, thereby increasing the risk of drought-induced forest-to-savanna transitions. Forest ecosystems respond to these changing environmental conditions by adapting various drought coping strategies driven by different magnitudes of water-stress (i.e., defined here as a deficit in soil water availability inhibiting plant growth due to change in rainfall patterns). A better understanding of forest dynamics in response to the water-stress conditions is, therefore, crucial to determine the rainforest’s present ecohydrological conditions, as well as project a possible rainforest-savanna transition scenario. However, our present understanding of such transitions is entirely based on rainfall, which does not consider the adaptability of vegetation to droughts by utilizing subsoil moisture in a quantifiable metric. Using remote-sensing derived root zone storage capacity (Sr) and tree cover, we analyze the water-stress and drought coping strategies of the rainforest-savanna ecosystems in South America and Africa. The results from our empirical and statistical analysis allows us to classify the ecosystem’s adaptability to droughts into four key classes of drought coping strategies: lowly water-stressed forest (shallow roots, high tree cover), moderately water-stressed forest (investing in Sr, high tree cover), highly water-stressed forest (trade-off between investments in Sr and tree cover) and savanna-grassland regime (competitive rooting strategy, low tree cover). This study concludes that the ecosystems’ responses are primarily focused on allocating carbon in the most efficient way possible to maximize their hydrological benefits. The insights from this study suggest remote sensing-based Sr as an important indicator revealing important subsoil forest dynamics and opens new paths for understanding the ecohydrological state, resilience, and adaptation dynamics of the tropical ecosystems under a rapidly changing climate.
Over the past 15 years climate tipping points (CTPs) – which are reached when change in a climate subsystem (the ‘tipping element’) becomes self-perpetuating independent of the original forcing and results in a regime shift to a new subsystem state – have emerged as a source of scientific and public concern. Some CTPs are estimated to be reachable within the 1.5-2oC Paris Agreement range, with many more accessible by the ~3-4oC of warming possible on current policy trajectories. Recent work has also hypothesised that CTPs could ‘cascade’ – with the impacts of triggering one tipping element sufficient to trigger the next and so on – resulting in an emergent global tipping point. However, much discussion relies on a tipping element characterisation that is now over a decade old, which itself was based on an expert elicitation exercise in 2005. Since then there have been substantial advances in our understanding of CTP dynamics based on results from coupled and offline models, observations, and palaeoclimate studies. The tipping cascade hypothesis has also not yet been rigorously tested, with the suggestion of 2oC as a global tipping point remaining speculative. Furthermore, CTP definitions are often inconsistent, with some purported globally-impactful CTPs more accurately represented as either localised CTPs or even threshold-free feedbacks. Here we undertake an updated review of CTPs based on a wide range of recent literature. We estimate ranges for each proposed element’s tipping threshold, timescales, and impact on global and regional warming, as well as if evidence exists for self-perpetuation, rate-dependence, or hysteresis. Each proposed element is then catalogued with reference to a clear tipping point definition, separating global ‘core’ and regional ‘impact’ tipping elements from threshold-free feedbacks. Our estimates confirm that current global warming (~1.2oC) already lies within the lower end of some CTP threshold ranges, and several CTPs become likely or possible within the 1.5-2oC Paris range. In further work we use these estimates to test the potential for and impact of tipping cascades in response to global warming scenarios using a stylised model.