Tamas Bozoki

and 21 more

The importance of lightning has long been recognized from the point of view of climate-related phenomena. However, the detailed investigation of lightning on global scales is currently hindered by the incomplete and spatially uneven detection efficiency of ground-based global lightning detection networks and by the restricted spatio-temporal coverage of satellite observations. We are developing different methods for investigating global lightning activity based on Schumann resonance (SR) measurements. SRs are global electromagnetic resonances of the Earth-ionosphere cavity maintained by the vertical component of lightning. Since charge separation in thunderstorms is gravity-driven, charge is typically separated vertically in thunderclouds, so every lightning flash contributes to the measured SR field. This circumstance makes SR measurements very suitable for climate-related investigations. In this study, 19 days of global lightning activity in January 2019 are analyzed based on SR intensity records from 18 SR stations and the results are compared with independent lightning observations provided by ground-based (WWLLN, GLD360 and ENTLN) and satellite-based (GLM, LIS/OTD) global lightning detection. Daily average SR intensity records from different stations exhibit strong similarity in the investigated time interval. The inferred intensity of global lightning activity varies by a factor of 2-3 on the time scale of 3-5 days which we attribute to continental-scale temperature changes related to cold air outbreaks from polar regions. While our results demonstrate that the SR phenomenon is a powerful tool to investigate global lightning, it is also clear that currently available technology limits the detailed quantitative evaluation of lightning activity on continental scales.
Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) can be driven in terrestrial electrical power grids as a result of the induced electric fields arising from geomagnetic disturbances (GMD) resulting from the dynamics of the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-ground system. However, a key issue is to assess an optimum spacing for the magnetometer stations in order to provide appropriate monitoring of the GIC-related GMD. Here we assess the vector correlation lengths of GMD and related amplitude occurrence distribution of the variations of horizontal magnetic field $dB_{H}/dt$. Specifically, we study the GMD response to two storm-time substorms using data from two magnetometer arrays, the Baltic Electromagnetic Array Research (BEAR) Project in Scandinavia and the Canadian Array for Realtime Investigations of Magnetic Activity (CARISMA) array in North America, so as to determine the optimal magnetometer spacing in latitude and longitude, for monitoring and assessing GIC risk. We find that although magnetic disturbances are well-correlated up to distances of several hundred kilometers at mid-latitudes, the vector correlation length rapidly drops off for station separations of less than 100 km within the auroral oval. In general geomagnetic fluctuations are stronger and more localized in the auroral zone. Since the auroral oval is pushed equatorward during intense magnetic storms, we highlight that networks using a station separation of $\sim 200$ km should provide an excellent basis for monitoring both small and large scale geomagnetic disturbances. A monitoring network with this station spacing is recommended as being optimal for assessing the role of GMD in driving GICs in the electric power grid.

Darcy Cordell

and 5 more

Estimating the effect of geomagnetic disturbances on infrastructure is an important problem since they can induce damaging currents in electric power transmission lines. In this study, an array of magnetotelluric (MT) impedance measurements in Alberta and southeastern British Columbia are used to estimate the geoelectric field resulting from a magnetic storm on September 8, 2017. The resulting geoelectric field is compared to the geoelectric field calculated using the more common method involving a piecewise-continuous 1-D conductivity model. The 1-D model assumes horizontal layers, which result in orthogonal induced electric fields while the empirical MT impedance data account for fully 3-D electromagnetic induction. The geoelectric field derived from empirical MT impedance data demonstrates a preferential polarization in southern Alberta, and the geoelectric field magnitude is largest in northeastern Alberta where resistive Canadian Shield outcrops. The induced voltage in the Alberta transmission network is estimated to be ~120 V larger in northeastern Alberta when using the empirical MT impedances compared to the piecewise-continuous 1-D model. Transmission lines oriented northwest-southeast in southern Alberta have voltages which are 10-20% larger when using the MT impedances due to the polarized geoelectric field. As shown with forward modelling tests, the polarization is due to the Southern Alberta British Columbia conductor in the lower crust (20-30 km depth) that is associated with a Proterozoic tectonic suture zone. This forms an important link between ancient tectonic processes and modern-day geoelectric hazards that cannot be modelled with a 1-D analysis.