Gonzalo Cucho-Padin

and 3 more

Atomic Hydrogen (H) is the most abundant constituent of the terrestrial exosphere. Its charge exchange interaction with ring current ions (H+ and O+) serves to dissipate magnetospheric energy during geomagnetic storms, resulting in the generation of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs). Determination of ring current ion distributions through modeling depends critically on the specification of the exospheric H density distribution. Furthermore, theoretical studies have demonstrated that ring current recovery rate after the storm onset directly correlates with the H density. Although measurements of H airglow emission at altitudes [3,6] Re exhibit storm-time variations, the H density distributions used in ring current modeling are typically assumed to be temporally static during storms. In this presentation, we will describe the temporal and spatial evolution of ring current ion densities in response to a realistically dynamic exospheric H density distribution using the Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model (CIMI). The exospheric densities used as input to the model are fully data-driven, derived as global, 3D, and time-dependent tomographic reconstructions of H emission data acquired from Lyman-alpha detectors onboard the NASA TWINS satellites during the geomagnetic storm that occurred on March 17, 2013. We will examine modeled ring current recovery rates using both dynamic and static reconstructions and evaluate the impact of realistic storm-time exospheric variability on the simulations.

Gonzalo Cucho-Padin

and 1 more

Gonzalo Cucho-Padin

and 1 more

It has been four decades since Apollo 16 returned the first wide-field UV imagery of the Earth and revealed the vast extent of exospheric hydrogen (H) atoms around the planet. Since that time, appreciation has grown regarding the significance of this outermost atmospheric layer, whose charge exchange interaction with ambient ions dissipates magnetospheric energy, generates the energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) widely used for remote sensing of the ring current dynamics during geomagnetic storms, and accelerates gravitational escape and thus permanent atmospheric evolution. Despite the importance of Earth’s H exosphere to the solar-terrestrial system, however, current understanding of its global structure and dynamical evolution is insufficient, such that the origin of persistent discrepancies between measurements and models remains unresolved. Remote sensing of UV emission from geocoronal H atoms, generated through resonant scattering of solar radiation at 121.6 nm (Lyman-alpha) is the only empirical means available to investigate the terrestrial exosphere. In this work, we present robust tomographic-based techniques we have developed in recent years to estimate the 3-D, global and time-dependent H-density distributions during quiet and storm-time from observations of its optically thin emission at Lyman-α acquired from the Lyman-alpha detectors onboard the NASA TWINS satellites. Several examples of recent 2D and 3D data analyses will be used to demonstrate the current state-of-the-art, reveal surprising exospheric phenomenon, and motivate future work.