An incubation experiment was carried out to assess bone char application on the availability and distribution of phosphorus in agricultural alkaline sandy soils. Three alkaline agricultural sandy soils in Upper Egypt have been collected from Arab El-Awamer at Assiut governorate, West El-Minia at El-Minia governorate, and New Valley Governorate. 100 grams were taken from each soil under study and placed in a plastic jar. The bone char is applied at level 0.4 g jar-1 into these soils. This experiment was incubated at 23 ºC in the dark for periods of 7, 16, 35, 65, and 84 days and arranged in a completely randomized design with three replicates. The results revealed that bone char applications to the soils resulted in a significant positive increase in the availability of phosphorus affected by the soil type and incubation periods in Arab El-Awamer soil. The percentage of increase in available phosphorous after adding bone char compared to before incubation was as follows: Arab El-Awamer soil ˃New Valley soil ˃West El-Minia soil. The available phosphorous was negatively correlated with electrical conductivity (r=-0.288*), soluble calcium (r=-0.306*), and soluble sulfate (r=-0.413*). The concentrations of NH4Cl-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaOH-Pi, HCl-Pi, residual-P fractions increased significantly in some soil types with applying bone char. The concentrations of available phosphorous in all soils under study were positively correlated with all phosphorus fractions. We conclude that bone char applications into P-poor soil are important to potentially enhance phosphorus availability. Bone char is considered a promising strategy in sustainable agriculture.