(This is an unedited version of what I had originally Handwritten in High School.)Perceived by common sense, time is a causal loop-based sequence of events. In such cognitive definition, the universe ceases to be a mere block of space-time. Rather, it becomes an ether of space-memory. Memories of - or say, from - the future, are what we call imagination; those of the past we call reflections. We all know and have futures we can recall and pasts we can imagine. This article thus sides with such a unidirectional mode of experience.Phenomenal beings, that is, the beings of sentient extants are difficult if at all possible, to infer by proxy. The subjectivity factor quickly infinitizes and randomizes the experiential data set such that the subject themselves, let alone an external party can define an experience. I may be forgiven for pending phenomenality, at least in this treatment, in my assessment of non-linear horology. A key factor in this escape is the entropic kinetics of biological systems which, through random in detail, take specific paths, in this case, ‘directions’ that cannot be compromised. If a compromise is forced, life ends; and there is no longer use of time without the existence of the property, the quality of liveliness -or life.***Time is a scalar cognitive quantity with units of memory. Objective experiences include both inanimates and humans. (Humans subjectively experience only when conscious of causal acts.) Hence it is possible to separate the concept of time from vector-hood, as others have succeeded by supposing the emergence of direction to memorized events, from cause to effect. This task is formidable inside the vehicle of biology. Other sentience-worthy systems namely computers and perhaps aliens might experience reality independent of vectorial spatial temporality. This work aims to satisfy the conditions necessary for an asymmetric time from the perspective of quantum thermodynamics and horological metaphysics. From these specifics, generalizations of events can be reached that does away with the persistently stubborn illusion of illusions – time.***On the ultra-microscopic scale, everything is a fluctuation or vibration, from the most basic ‘thing’ that is a vacuum to super-things like biophysical structures. The strings of life are vectors. Their vibrations do not go forward or backward in time. Instead, they traverse a scalar world, the magnitude of their existing properties (which to sentients is analogous to acts) not the direction, matters. Lacking the variable t as in Newtonian mechanics, concepts of momentum, speed, and velocity are nullified. To explain the changes of quantum events – in this case vibrating strings – we need a vector-free definition of time, a new theory of experience and events that is not at par with statistical interpretations of entropy and the Schrodinger wave function. It follows that macroscales, like their fellow fundamental versions, can exhibit an asymmetrical reality. This is the promise of linear time chambers.***NLTCs emulate the quantum realm in the exhibition of reality. The chambers recreate the states, vibrations -  the fundamental events of the universe for commonsensible and interactable extants with their acts. Thus, a reworking of sequential biochemistry is necessitated.  This fosters wave chemistry instead of the common, and as it turns out, the slow, linear molecular chemistry.To accelerate biological function or recess it, biomechanics is embodied into the more versatile domain of statistical physics such that biologies do what strings do. This presents a possibility to apparently (concerning one second a per second reality) slower or faster (and anywhere in between) experiential data progress. Such effect is referred to by computer theorists as exponential time. Thus NLTCs take advantage of the time scales available to complex embodied software and those necessary for quantum mechanics namely, plank time and higher dimensions or ‘micro-times’ to ‘realize’ asymmetric experiences.Each slot of the chamber may be toggled to any of the available time types.  The experiencer is protected from time dilation expansion and contraction after effects. Just as a emote fast plays scenes of your worst movies on command, rewinds, pauses, and so forth. The chamber controller navigates reality unidirectionally. Each individual’s world in the many worlds of multiverse existence is accessible. Here. One is not stuck in a dead-end path of a certain reality path, rather access frames of choice, not those of causality – even the inescapable luck factor that guides unidirectional existence, Time travel by experience, not travel. Does the illusion remain?Some applications of NLTCs:·        Skiptime·        Accelerate Time·        Time Retard·        Time Remote·        Good Old Days + Brighter Tomorrow, Lived Now·        Given a choice, would you rather revisit the past than go into the future?·        If you could choose the speed of time, what would it be?  

Isai Mathias

and 1 more

Physical structures of Digital Species are bioelectric, that is, they host electrochemical processes. For instance, the brain has a network of billions of neurons which transmit signals via ions that generate potential at their axions. Thus any brain stores or allows the propagation of electrical energy. This electrobiochemistry is evident throughout the nervous system.Unfortunately, humans are accustomed to reference life as a series of chemical reactions. As a result, biology is disowned of its electricity to the extent that electrobiophysics seems to be categorized as a fundamental branch of science for post-human life enhancement technologies. This work seeks to extinguish such misunderstandings of biological systems and to formulate the principles of electrical biology.ELECTROBRAIN(Here, "brain" implies an organism's center for awareness, computation and coordination.)Famously likened to a natural supercomputer, the human brain is the most complex biological organization in existence. As a principal part of the nervous system it interprets information sets from the reality it is locked away from by the skull. Attempts to advance cognitive capacity, for most researchers begins and ands with artificial intelligence, which is itself a subdiscipline of computer science. But there is an alternative route to enhancing cognitive capacity namely, synthetic biology. This is the road I choose to take here.A synthetic brain - at least in my version(SB) - builds electronic devices onto the components inside the skull. Of course, this is an invasive method that by the first look of it any medical skeptic would shy away from. Nevertheless, it is the most 'natural' of artificially made intelligences.The SB has enhanced neurones and organizational architecture. Conductivity via axions is accelerated by balancing or adding (or reducing) signal transfering ions, thickening (or thinning) the myelin sheath and improving effectiveness of synapses by directed point stimulation. In software, SB places logic filters and uses saved cognitive processes for future application. This is a case that - through increasing cognitive cache - stabilizes fast thinking. Thus making out more accurate, truthful and quickens the slow thinking to at an optimal pace.Electrical components are designed for connectome compatibility and even for applications of the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Cognition (Isai 2020) and Non-Linear Time Chambers (Isai 2021). And, as it turns out, the Synthetic Brain updates to any intelligence enhancement procedure for humans becoming digital species or rather better embodied extants across the tree of life.ELECTROBOWELFor most people, the stomach is a sac for temporal storage of ingested semi-digested food. To digital species it is an interspecies energy link. One's stomach must interact with other stomachs, more broadly via the Cross-Species Gut Network (CSGN).The smart bowel can be externally interfaced such that to check contents composition, quantitatively measure hunger or satisfaction, assess IBD or IBS conditions and activate virtual excretion or deposition of undigested material. Also, It is fit with colorable layerings, anti-ulcers walls and shape to size modulations for malnutrition victims. The electro-bowel contains electrified biochemistry and may be inserted with replaceability and cloud updates that sync with the entire digestive systems and changes in nutrition patterns.ELECTROSTINESHere, the intestines, large and small are enhanced. Ultra absorption capabilities for the colon enable selective hydrobalance. Body water content is matched with requirements, weather and fluids intake data.Cellular walls involve coverings for extra storage and buffering. The illeum and duodenum are redesigned into surface area configurations that improve transport rate and favor gut bacteria among other usefulness.From The Interface, Intestinal gas is combated. So is ulcerative collitis and related conditions. The digital intestines are complemented by nanobots that learn an individual's unique digestion mechanism and solves spontaneous nuisances oftentimes before the effects are experienced by the individual.Enzymatic integration optimizes food processing by using less metabolic currency. Meals count, frequency and quantity are suggested from 'passages' data and performance and effectiveness between ingestions. Selectivity ensures zero waste, that is, no undigested contents, hence presenting a possible end of toiletry and faeces at large across life-forms. Major outputs of the electrostines are for the CGSN. Lastly, the 'stines' can toggle between biofood or digital/electrofood conveniently. This is digestion, solved.***This treatment of bioelectrochemistry has previewed three structures and two systems. Of course, there is room for exploration into more organs and mechanisms. The choice for the digestive and nervous systems is done mainly to suggest the fundamentality of energy - via food - and intelligence - via neural networks. These are two companions without which life does not emerge from the more general status of existence.Biological Digital Electronics shows that it is possible to electrify the human body inwardly, just as exoskeletons, implants and technologies of their like have shown outwardly. We may learn to view chemistry as a mirror of electrostatics and electromagnetism. Life too, can go electric! Welcome to Life Electric.This article was originally titled as "BIOLOGICAL DIGITAL ELECTRONICS" (This version is an unedited adaptation from my handwritten Essays In High School.)