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Digital Democracy using Digital Platform in South Korea: Right to Petition and Election Campaign
  • Hyeungseob Son,
  • Myunghoon Roh
Hyeungseob Son
Kyungsung University

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Myunghoon Roh
Salve Regina University
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This Article examines how it can be utilized and rationally utilized using a digital platform. Korea is reviewing the National Assembly Act and the Petition Act, and this research promotes political opinions and legislative efficiency through digital platforms. Also, in the election campaign, it is important the implementation of a new democracy process using a digital platform and its effects. In particular, this researches how are digital platforms, YouTube/political applications/metaverse, used in the 2022 presidential election in Korea and what effect they have had, how can a digital platform deal with the rational choice of voters or the side effects using big data combined with AI. This paper presents what role should digital platforms play in order to reflect public will, expand voters’ political participation. Therefore, this paper studied legal ways to provide political opinions and accept policies through digital platform systems such as of ‘electronic petitions’, Metaverse, AI.