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Science AMA Series: We’re the 5th Australasian annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Ask Us Anything about Industry, Science and the Environment!
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  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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Hi Reddit, The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is hosting the 5th Australasian annual meeting this week and has asked experts from across academia, government and industry to answer questions on a wide array of environmental issues. The theme for this year’s conference is “Industry, Science and Environment: Towards a Sustainable Future”. We will have experts across a wide range of environmental science topics including pesticides, metals, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, microplastics, oil and gas, risk assessment and remediation in extreme environments, environmental analysis and monitoring, sustainable waste management and human health issues and many more. If you have questions about chemicals or toxicants in the environment – we’ll try to get you the best possible answers according to the latest science. Please do note that we are asking members of the society who represent researchers from a variety of disciplines and sectors; the answers are not official SETAC positions. We encourage discussion and debate! Just keep it professional. For more information on SETAC http://www.setac.org EDIT: We’re here having lunch and answering questions! Post your question and the organizers of the conference will find someone to answer it as soon as possible. Answers to questions will begin at 12:30PM AEST (2:30PM NZDT, 9:30AM AWST, 7:30AM BST, 9:30PM 5/10/16 EST, 6:30PM 5/10/16 PST) until 4:30PM AEST (6:30PM NZDT, 1:30PM AWST, 11:30AM BST, 1:30AM EST, 10:30PM 5/10/16 PST). Edit (5:00pm AEST): And we’re done. Thanks for all your questions! We hope you got something out of it! If you’re interested in following us on twitter you can do so at https://twitter.com/SETAC_AU Or on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/SETACAu Our conference is on for one more day, so you can follow along at the hashtag #setacau2016 Thanks everyone!