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Science AMA Series: We’re a group of scientists and career counselors at UC San Francisco and we help biomedical graduate students and postdocs explore career options and get jobs. AUA!
  • UCSF_Career_Dev ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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We work in one of the few offices in the country dedicated to helping students (health professional, life sciences, population and social sciences) and postdocs navigate the job market. Our team designs career & professional development programs and resources, and offers 1:1 counseling support to graduate-level biomedical trainees. Feel free to ask us anything about how biomedical scientists can prepare and position themselves for the job market, how institutions can provide career development support to their PhD-level trainees, or strategies to improve the career prospects of the nation’s STEM PhD’s. More about our work: • The UCSF Office of Career & Professional Development • Motivating INformed Decisions Program • Graduate Student Internships for Career Exploration Answering your questions here today are: Laurence, Clement, PhD. Program Director, Academic Career Development Anna Correa, MS. Program Director, Clinical Careers Bill Lindstaedt, MS. Executive Director, Career Advancement, International and Postdoctoral Services Thi Nguyen, PhD. Program Director, Non-Academic Career Development Naledi Saul, MPM. Director, Office of Career and Professional Development Liz Silva, PhD. Program Director, Motivating INformed Decisions (MIND) Program Alexandra Schnoes, PhD. Program Manager, Graduate Student Internships for Career Exploration(GSICE) Program Claire Will, PhD. Program Director, Professional Skills Development We will be back at 1 pm ET (10 am PT, 5 pm UTC) to answer your questions, ask us anything! EDIT: Hello everyone! We’re all here and are reading your great questions. We’ll begin answering now! 2nd EDIT: Thanks everyone - these were amazing questions, and we had a lot of fun. Thanks for participating!