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Stéphane Hans

and 5 more

Objective: To investigate post-intubation laryngeal complications in severe COVID-19 patients. Methods: From September 2020 to April 2021, consecutive patients presenting with laryngological symptoms following severe COVID-19 infection and related intubation were included. Demographic, age, gender, comorbidities, symptoms, intubation duration, tracheostomy features, and laryngeal findings were collected. Videolaryngostroboscopy findings were analyzed by two senior laryngologists in a blind manner. Results: Forty-three patients completed the evaluations. The intubation duration was <14 days in 22 patients (group 1) and >14 days in 21 patients (group 2). The following abnormalities were found on an average post-intubation time of 51.6 days: posterior glottic stenosis (N=14), posterior commissure hypertrophy (N=19) or laryngeal diffuse edema (N=10), granuloma (N=8), laryngeal necrosis (N=2), vocal fold atrophy (N=2), subglottic stenosis (N=1) and glottic flange (N=1). Sixteen patients required surgical treatment (N=17 procedures). The number of intubation days was significantly higher in patients with posterior glottic stenosis (26.1 ± 9.4) compared with those presenting posterior commissure hypertrophy (11.5 ± 2.9) or granuloma (15.1 ± 5.8; p<0.001). Fourteen patients required surgical management. Conclusion: Prolonged intubation used in severe COVID-19 patients is associated with significant laryngeal disorders. Patients with a history of >2-week intubation have a higher risk of posterior glottic stenosis.