Elias Odelstad

and 4 more

We show that an ion-ion cross-field streaming instability between cold newborn cometary ions and heated heavy ions that were picked up upstream is likely a contributing source of observed lower hybrid (LH) waves in the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Electric field oscillations in the LH frequency range are common here, and have previously been attributed mainly to the lower-hybrid drift instability (LHDI), driven by gradients associated with observed local density fluctuations. However, the observed wave activity is not confined to such gradients, nor is it always strongest there. Thus, other instabilities are likely needed as well to explain the observed wave activity. Several previous works have shown the existence of multiple populations of cometary ions in the inner coma of 67P, distinguished by differences in mass, energy and/or flow direction. We here examine two selected time intervals in October and November 2015, with substantial wave activity in the lower hybrid frequency range, where we identify two distinct cometary ion populations: a bulk population of locally produced, predominantly radially outflowing ions, and a more tenuous population picked up further upstream and accelerated back towards the comet by the solar wind electric field. These two populations exhibit strong relative drifts ($\sim$20 km/s, or about 5 times the pickup ion thermal velocity), and we perform an electrostatic dispersion analysis showing that conditions should be favorable for lower hybrid wave generation through the ion-ion cross-field instability.

Mats André

and 3 more

Wakes behind spacecraft caused by supersonic drifting positive ions are common in plasmas and disturb in situ measurements. We concentrate on observations of the electric field with double-probe instruments. When the equivalent spacecraft charging is small compared to the ion drift energy the wake effects are caused by the spacecraft body and can be compensated for. We discuss examples from the Cluster spacecraft in the solar wind, including statistics of the direction, width and electrostatic potential of wakes, and compare with an analytical model. When the equivalent positive spacecraft charging is large compared to the ion drift energy, an enhanced wake forms. In this case observations of the geophysical electric field with the double-probe technique becomes extremely challenging. Rather, the wake can be used to estimate the flux of cold (eV) positive ions. We discuss such examples from the Cluster spacecraft in the low-density magnetospheric lobes. For an intermediate range of parameters, when the equivalent charging of the spacecraft is similar to the drift energy of the ions, also the charged wire booms of a double-probe instrument must be taken into account. We discuss an example of these effects from the MMS spacecraft near the magnetopause. We find that the observed wake characteristics provide information which can be used for scientific studies. An important example is the enhanced wakes used to estimate the outflow of ionospheric origin in the magnetospheric lobes to about 10^26 cold (eV) ions/s, constituting a large fraction of the mass outflow from planet Earth.