Chi Zhang

and 14 more

Using over 6 years of magnetic field data (2014.10-2020.12) collected by the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN), we conduct a statistical study on the three-dimensional average magnetic field structure around Mars. We find that this magnetic field structure conforms to the pattern typical of an induced magnetosphere, that is, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) which is carried by the solar wind and which drapes, piles up, slips around the planet, and eventually forms a tail in the wake. The draped field lines from both hemispheres along the direction of the solar wind electric field (E) are directed towards the nightside magnetic equatorial plane, which looks like they are “sinking” toward the wake. These “sinking” field lines from the +E-hemisphere (E pointing away from the plane) are more flared and dominant in the tail, while the field lines from the –E-hemisphere (E pointing towards) are more stretched and “pinched” towards the plasma sheet. Such highly “pinched” field lines even form a loop over the pole of the –E-hemisphere. The tail current sheet also shows an E-asymmetry: the sheet is thicker with a stronger tailward J×B force at +E-flank, but much thinner and with a weaker J×B (even turns sunward) at –E-flank. Additionally, we find that IMF Bx can induce a kink-like field structure at the boundary layer; the field strength is globally enhanced and the field lines flare less during high dynamic pressure; however, the rotation of the planet, against expectations, modulate the configuration of the tail current sheet insignificantly.

Jun Cui

and 6 more

The Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer of the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution provides a large data set to explore the ion composition and structure of the Martian ionosphere. Here the dayside measurements are used to investigate the minor ion density profiles with distinctive peaks above 150 km, revealing a systematic trend of decreasing peak altitude with increasing ion mass. We specifically focus on a subset of species including O$^+$, N$_2^+$/CO$^+$, C$^+$, N$^+$, He$^+$, and O$^{++}$, all of which are mainly produced via direct photoionization of parent neutrals. Our analysis reveals weak or no variation with solar zenith angle (SZA) in both peak density and altitude, which is an expected result because these ion peaks are located within the optically thin regions subject to the same level of solar irradiance independent of SZA. In contrast, the solar cycle variations of peak density and altitude increase considerably with increasing solar activity, as a result of enhanced photoionization frequency and atmospheric expansion at high solar activities. He$^+$ serves as an exception in that its peak density increases towards large SZA and meanwhile shows no systematic variation with solar activity. The thermospheric He distribution on Mars should play an important role in determining these observed variations. Finally, the peak altitudes for all species are elevated by at least several km within the weakly magnetized regions, possibly attributable to the suppression of vertical diffusion by preferentially horizontal magnetic fields in these regions.