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Gemma E. Bower

and 4 more

Nina Kristine Eriksen

and 10 more

Gemma E. Bower

and 3 more

Horse collar aurora (HCA) are an auroral feature where the dawn and dusk sector auroral oval moves polewards and the polar cap becomes teardrop shaped. They form during prolonged periods of northward IMF, when the IMF clock angle is small. Their formation has been linked to dual-lobe reconnection (DLR) closing magnetic flux at the dayside magnetopause. The conditions necessary for DLR are currently not well-understood therefore understanding HCA statistics will allow DLR to be studied in more detail. We have identified over 600 HCA events between 2010 and 2016 in UV images captured by the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI) instrument on-board the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) spacecraft F16, F17 and F18. As expected, there is a clear preference for HCA occurring during northward IMF. We find no clear seasonal dependence in their occurrence, with an average of 8 HCA events per month. The occurrence of HCA events does not appear to depend on the Bx component of the IMF, suggesting that Bx does not modulate the rate of lobe reconnection. Considering the average radiance intensity across the dusk-dawn meridian shows the HCA as a separate bulge inside the auroral oval and that the dawn side arc of the HCA is usually brighter than the dusk in the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield short band (LBHs). We relate this to the expected field aligned current (FAC) pattern of HCA formation. We further suggest that transpolar arcs observed in the dawn sector simultaneously in both northern and southern hemispheres are misidentified HCA.

Gemma E. Bower

and 2 more

Transpolar arcs (TPAs) are auroral features that occur polewards of the main auroral oval suggesting that the magnetosphere has acquired a complicated magnetic topology. They are primarily a northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) auroral phenomenon, and their formation and evolution have no single explanation that is unanimously agreed upon. An automated detection algorithm has been developed to detect the occurrence of TPAs in UV images captured from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI) instrument onboard the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) spacecraft, in order to further study their occurrence. Via this detection algorithm TPAs are identified as a peak in the average radiance intensity poleward of 12.5 degrees colatitude, in two or more of the wavelengths/bands sensed by SSUSI. Orbital biases in the data have been investigated and these differ from spacecraft to spacecraft. For the spacecraft of interest (F16, F17 and F18) this leads to a preferential observation of the northern hemisphere with the detection algorithm missing TPAs in the southern hemisphere between approximately 01 - 06 UT. No seasonal bias has been found for these spacecraft. Using the detection algorithm on observations from the years 2010 to 2016, over 5000 images containing TPAs are identified. The occurrence of these TPA images shows a seasonal dependence, with more arcs being visible in the winter hemisphere. We discuss the ramifications of these findings in terms of proposed TPA generation mechanisms.

Larry Paxton

and 20 more

SIHLA (Spatial/Spectral Imaging of Heliospheric Lyman Alpha pronounced as ‘Scylla’ [e.g. Homer, Odyssey, ~675-725 BCE] investigates fundamental physical processes that determine the interaction of the Sun with the interstellar medium (ISM); the Sun with the Earth; and the Sun with comets and their subsequent evolution. To accomplish these goals, SIHLA studies the shape of the heliosphere and maps the solar wind in 3D; characterizes changes in Earth’s extended upper atmosphere (the hydrogen ‘geocorona’); discovers new comets and tracks the composition changes of new and known ones as they pass near the Sun. SIHLA is a NASA Mission of Opportunity that has just completed its Phase A study (the Concept Study Report or CSR). At the time of the writing of this abstract NASA has not decided whether to fly this small satellite mission or its competitor (GLIDE: PI Prof. Lara Waldrop). SIHLA observes the ion-neutral interactions of hydrogen, the universe’s most abundant element, from the edge of the solar system to the Earth, to understand the fundamental properties that shaped our own home planet Earth and the heliosphere. From its L1 vantage point, well outside the Earth’s obscuring geocoronal hydrogen cloud, SIHLA maps the entire sky using a flight-proven, compact, far ultraviolet (FUV) hyperspectral imager with a Hydrogen Absorption Cell (HAC). The hyperspectral scanning imaging spectrograph (SIS) in combination with the spacecraft roll, creates 4 maps >87% of the sky each day, at essentially monochromatic lines over the entire FUV band (115 to 180nm) at every point in the scan. During half of these daily sky maps, the hydrogen absorption cell (HAC) provides a 0.001nm notch rejection filter for the H Lyman a. Using the HAC, SIHLA builds up the lineshape profile of the H Lyman a emissions over the course of a year. SIHLA’s SIS/HAC combination enables us to image the result of the ion-neutral interactions in the heliosheath, 100 AU away, in the lowest energy, highest density, part of the neutral atom spectrum – H atoms with energies below 10eV. The novel aspects of SIHLA are the scope of the science done within a MoO budget. The SIHLA projected costs were below the $75M cap with a 31.3% reserve for Phase B-D. The re-purposing of a spectrographic that was part of the DMSP SSUSI line (a copy was flown and NASA TIMED/GUVI and as NASA NEAR/NIS). Risk is extremely low in this Class-D mission with all major elements at least at TRL6 at this time. SIHLA has a high potential for discovery. We expect that we will 1) First detection of the hot H atoms produced directly from the ion-neutral interactions at the heliopause; 2) First detection of structures in Interplanetary Medium H emission, 3) First detection of response of the Earth’s extended (out to lunar orbit) geocorona to solar/geomagnetic drivers, 4) New UV-bright comets as they enter the inner solar system. SIHLA is a hyperspectral imager; at every point in the sky SIHLA obtains the entire FUV spectrum.

Stefan Bender

and 2 more

Solar, auroral, and radiation belt electrons enter the atmosphere at polar regions leading to ionization and affecting its chemistry. Climate models usually parametrize this ionization and the related changes in chemistry based on satellite particle measurements. Precise measurements of the particle and energy influx into the upper atmosphere are difficult because they vary substantially in location and time. Widely used particle data are derived from the POES and GOES satellite measurements which provide electron and proton spectra. We present the electron energy and flux measurements from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI) instruments on board the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites. This formation of now three operating satellites observes the auroral zone in the UV from which electron energies and fluxes are inferred in the range from 2 keV to 20 keV. We use these observed electron energies and fluxes to calculate ionization rates and electron densities in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere (≈ 80–200 km). We present our validation study of the SSUSI-derived electron densities to those measured by the ground-based EISCAT radar stations. We find that with the current standard parametrizations, the SSUSI-derived auroral electron densities (90–150 km) agree well with EISCAT measurements, with differences between +/- 20% for F18, and +/- 50 % for F17. The largest differences are at the lower end of the altitude range because there the electron densities decline very rapidly.