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Antiaging, Cognition and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of the Biofield Energy Treatment in Vitamin D3 Deficiency Diet (VDD) Induced Sprague Dawley Rats
  • +2
  • Mahendra Kumar Trivedi,
  • Alice Branton,
  • Dahryn Trivedi,
  • Gopal Nayak,
  • Snehasis Jana
Mahendra Kumar Trivedi
Trivedi Global, Inc

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Author Profile
Alice Branton
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Dahryn Trivedi
Author Profile
Gopal Nayak
Trivedi Global, Inc
Snehasis Jana
Trivedi Science Research Laboratory Pvt. Ltd, Trivedi Science Research Laboratory Pvt. Ltd, Trivedi Global, Inc


A proprietary formulation was designed that consist of minerals (zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, selenium, and copper), vitamins (pyridoxine HCl, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid, alpha tocopherol, and cholecalciferol), Panax ginseng extract, β-carotene, and cannabidiol isolate. The present study was aimed to evaluate the impact of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment (the Trivedi Effect®) on a novel test formulation in male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, fed with vitamin D3 deficiency diet (VDD) for antiaging/cognitive and anti-inflammatory activities. The each ingredient of the test formulation was divided into two parts. One part was denoted as the untreated test formulation without any Biofield Energy Treatment, while the other part was defined as the Biofield Energy Treated sample, which received the Biofield Energy Healing Treatment by renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. The level of Klotho protein (anti-aging biomarker) in cerebro-spinal fluids (CSF) was significantly increased by 44.2%, 92.0%, 44.2%, and 43.1% in the Biofield Energy Treatment per se to animals from day -15 (G6), Biofield Energy Treated test formulation from day -15 (G7), Biofield Energy Treatment per se plus Biofield Energy Treated test formulation from day -15 (G8), and Biofield Energy Treatment per se animals plus untreated test formulation (G9) groups, respectively as compared to the disease control group (G2). The level of β-endorphin in CSF (cognition, pain and inflammation biomarker) was significantly increased by 418.4%, 1155.7% (p≤0.01), 890.4% (p≤0.01), 351%, and 566.7% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9 groups, respectively as compared to the G4. Moreover, serotonin level in CSF was increased by 94.8%, and 63.4% in the G6 and G9 groups, respectively as compared to the G4. The level of 1, 25 (OH)2D3 in CSF was significantly increased by 61.8%, 33.4%, 61.5%, 64.5%, and 30.6% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9 groups, respectively as compared to the VDD induced group (G2). Further, the level of c-reactive protein (CRP, inflammation biomarker) in serum was reduced by 21.2%, 23.1%, 19.8%, 22.4%, and 23.1% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9 groups, respectively as compared to the G2 group. Altogether, results suggested that the Biofield Treated test formulation and Biofield Energy Treatment per se significantly increased antiaging, cognitive, and anti-inflammatory biomarkers that could be helpful in various aging/psychiatric or inflammatory disorders. Thus, the results showed a significant slowdown of disease progression and all other disease-related complications/symptoms in the preventive Biofield Energy Treatment group per se and the Biofield Energy Treated Test formulation groups (viz. G6, G7, G8, and G9) as compared to the disease control group.