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Global dynamics in a stochastic two predators-one prey system with regime-switching and ratio-dependent functional response
  • Nafeisha Tuerxun,
  • Zhidong Teng
Nafeisha Tuerxun
Jimei University
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Zhidong Teng
Xinjiang Medical University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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This paper investigates a stochastic two predators-one prey system with ratio-dependent functional response under regime switching. The stochastic extinction of species and the existence of ergodic stationary distribution for the system are established, and the transition probability of the solution converging to the stationary distribution also is obtained. To illustrate our theoretical results, the numerical examples and simulations are presented. Our findings also demonstrate that the stationary distribution and extinction of species for the stochastic two predators-one prey system are affected by random perturbations, leading to an imbalance in ecology.