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American Chemical Society AMA: Hi Reddit! I am Prashant V. Kamat, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the University of Notre Dame. Ask me anything about light energy conversion and more!
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ACS AMA Hi Reddit, my name is Prashant Kamat, and I am a Rev. John A. Zahm Professor of Science and a principal scientist at the Radiation Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame. My research group focuses on multidisciplinary insight into nanostructure architecture and energy conversion processes, and collaborates with chemists, chemical engineers, and physicists to study the fundamental science and applications of light energy. In addition to my research at Notre Dame, I am also the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of ACS Energy Letters a new journal from the American Chemical Society publishing papers on all aspects of energy research (read the first issue and first of 2017 free). Previously I served as the Deputy Editor for the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters I am also a fellow of the ACS, the Electrochemical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Indian National Science Academy. I’ll be online at 11am ET (8am PT, 4pm UTC) to answer your questions. Go ahead, AMA! - PVK Edit: Signing off now. Thanks for the wonderful discussion. Hope to meet you at the next ACS meeting or another venue.