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Science AMA Series: I’m James Doty, a Clinical Professor of neurosurgery at Stanford University. I do research on compassion and altruism, and I’m here today to talk about it. AMA!
  • James_Doty ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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Hi Reddit! As director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University, I’ve collaborated on a number of research projects focused on compassion and altruism. We’ve looked at the use of neuro-economic models to assess altruism, and even the assessment of compassionate and altruistic judgment utilizing implanted brain electrodes and the use of optogenetic techniques to assess nurturing pathways in rodents. My book, Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon’s Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart was recently released, and is part memoir, part science, part inspiration, and part practical instruction. It shows how we can fundamentally change our lives by first changing our brains and our hearts. You can learn more here: http://intothemagicshop.com/ I look forward to a great conversation this afternoon, so let’s get started. AMA! I’ll be back at 1 pm EST (10 am PST, 6 pm UTC) to answer your questions, ask me anything! Thanks for the excellent questions. I enjoyed the conversation and hope that you got something out if it as well. Time for me to sign out. Until next time!