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Hi, I'm Nathan Yau from FlowingData, and I help people understand data through visualization. Ask me anything.
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r/Science AMAs
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Hi everyone, Nathan Yau here. I run FlowingData, a blog on visualization, statistics, and information design. I started it on a whim as a statistics graduate student, but now it’s my full-time job. My PhD research was on how visualization could help non-experts understand their personal data better, and that spilled over to more general sorts of visualization. I’ve written two books, Visualize This and Data Points, and I write a lot of practical how-tos. I also work on random data projects, some more traditional and others more experimental. Recently, I remade the Statistical Atlas of the United States from 1870 with modern data, brewed beer based on county demographics, and illustrated famous movie quotes as charts. Here’s proof that it’s me. I’ll be back at 1:30 PM ET to answer your questions. Ask Me Anything! Update: Away we go. Update: And still going. I’ll answer as many more as I can before I break for lunch. You know those Snickers commercials with the cranky, hungry celebrities? Those are about me. Update: Calling it. Thanks for all the questions, everyone. It was fun.