Alberto Pepe edited intro.tex  about 7 years ago

Commit id: 07933543910794f4c2b714f76e130d2d7fbaf287

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At Authorea, we want to change the way scientists communicate and share their research. This includes giving all the information behind figures a place to live: by letting readers and reviewers access your data and code, your results can be easily reproduced and extended.  It's really easy to incorporate Jupyter Notebooks as well as datasets in your articles. \href{}{This guide} illustrates the step-by-step procedure to easily add any arbitrary dataset to an Authorea article, by na. navi.  You can do so by dragging and dropping an image or by clicking \textbf{Insert Figure} at the bottom of the block you want it under. When your figure is in place you can \textbf{attach data} to it. We take json, csv, dat files and \textbf{IPython Notebooks}.