Aritra Chakrabarty added file MTech thesis/propcover.tex  almost 8 years ago

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%% This file is for producing a Doctoral Thesis proposal. It should be fairly  %% self-explanatory.   \documentclass{article}  \begin{document}  \bibliographystyle{plain}  \pagestyle{empty}  \markboth{{\sc thesis proposal}}{{\sc thesis proposal}}  \def\title{Parallel Processor Architecture}  \def\author{Peter Nuth}  \def\addrone{305 Memorial Drive, 606C}  \def\addrtwo{Cambridge, MA 02139}  \def\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}  %% Added \deptname for PhD proposals in other fields.  %% Krishna Sethuraman (1990)  \def\deptname{Electrical Engineering \\ and Computer Science}  \def\laboratory{Artificial Intelligence Laboratory}  \def\submissiondate{\today}  \def\completiondate{September 1990}  \def\supervisor{Professor William J. Dally}  \def\supertitleone{Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering}  \def\supertitletwo{and Computer Science}  \def\readerone{Professor Arvind}  \def\readeronetitleone{Professor of Electrical Engineering}  \def\readeronetitletwo{and Computer Science}  \def\readertwo{Professor Thomas Knight}  \def\readertwotitleone{Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering}  \def\readertwotitletwo{and Computer Science}  \def\readerthree{Professor William J. Dally}  \def\readerthreetitleone{Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering}  \def\readerthreetitletwo{and Computer Science}  \def\abstract{  The proposed research  is a study of processor architecture for   large scale parallel computer systems.  The thesis introduces mechanisms  for fast context switching,   synchronization between tasks,  and run-time binding of   variable names to processor memory.  Various design tradeoffs are evaluated   through simulation of a processor running a typical load.  This work contains  estimates of  the speed and complexity of the different   alternatives as implemented in VLSI.  }  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  %%%%%%%%%% You Should Not Need To Modify Anything Below Here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  %%% Cover Page - Author signs %%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \begin{center}  {\Large \bf   Massachusetts Institute of Technology  \\ Department of \deptname \\}  \vspace{.25in}  {\Large \bf  Proposal for Thesis Research in Partial Fulfillment  \\ of the Requirements for the Degree of  \\ \degree \\}  \end{center}  \vspace{.5in}  \def\sig{{\small \sc (Signature of Author)}}  \begin{tabular}{rlc}  {\small \sc Title:} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\title}  \\ {\small \sc Submitted by:}  & \author & \\  & \addrone & \\  & \addrtwo & \\ \cline{3-3}  & & \makebox[2in][c]{\sig}  \\ {\small \sc Date of Submission:} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\submissiondate}  \\ {\small \sc Expected Date of Completion:} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\completiondate}  \\ {\small \sc Laboratory:} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\laboratory}  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.75in}  {\bf \sc Brief Statement of the Problem:}  \abstract  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \newpage %%% Supervision Agreement %%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \begin{flushright}  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  \\ Department of \deptname  \\ Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139  \end{flushright}  \underline{\bf Doctoral Thesis Supervision Agreement}  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc To:} & Department Graduate Committee  \\ {\small \sc From:} & \supervisor  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  The program outlined in the proposal:  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc Title:} & \title  \\ {\small \sc Author:} & \author  \\ {\small \sc Date:} & \submissiondate  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  is adequate for a Doctoral thesis.  I believe that appropriate readers for this thesis would be:  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc Reader 1:} & \readerone  \\ {\small \sc Reader 2:} & \readertwo  %\\ {\small \sc Reader 3:} & \readerthree  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  Facilities and support for the research outlined in the proposal are available.  I am willing to supervise the thesis and evaluate the thesis report.  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{crc}  \hspace{2in} & {\sc Signed:} & \\ \cline{3-3}  & & {\small \sc \supertitleone} \\  & & {\small \sc \supertitletwo} \\  & & \\  & {\sc Date:} & \\ \cline{3-3}  \end{tabular}  \vspace{0in plus 1fill}  Comments: \\  \begin{tabular}{c}  \hspace{6.25in} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  % \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  % \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  % \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \end{tabular}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \newpage %%% Reader I Agreement %%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \begin{flushright}  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  \\ Department of \deptname  \\ Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139  \end{flushright}  \underline{\bf Doctoral Thesis Reader Agreement}  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc To:} & Department Graduate Committee  \\ {\small \sc From:} & \readerone  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  The program outlined in the proposal:  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc Title:} & \title  \\ {\small \sc Author:} & \author  \\ {\small \sc Date:} & \submissiondate  \\ {\small \sc Supervisor:} & \supervisor  \\ {\small \sc Other Reader:} & \readertwo  %\\ {\small \sc Other Reader:} & \readerthree  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  is adequate for a Doctoral thesis.  I am willing to aid in guiding the research  and in evaluating the thesis report as a reader.  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{crc}  \hspace{2in} & {\sc Signed:} & \\ \cline{3-3}  & & {\small \sc \readeronetitleone} \\  & & {\small \sc \readeronetitletwo} \\  & & \\  & {\sc Date:} & \\ \cline{3-3}  \end{tabular}  \vspace{0in plus 1fill}  Comments: \\  \begin{tabular}{c}  \hspace{6.25in} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \end{tabular}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \newpage %%% Reader II Agreement %%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \begin{flushright}  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  \\ Department of \deptname  \\ Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139  \end{flushright}  \underline{\bf Doctoral Thesis Reader Agreement}  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc To:} & Department Graduate Committee  \\ {\small \sc From:} & \readertwo  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  The program outlined in the proposal:  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc Title:} & \title  \\ {\small \sc Author:} & \author  \\ {\small \sc Date:} & \submissiondate  \\ {\small \sc Supervisor:} & \supervisor  \\ {\small \sc Other Reader:} & \readerone  %\\ {\small \sc Other Reader:} & \readerthree  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  is adequate for a Doctoral thesis.  I am willing to aid in guiding the research  and in evaluating the thesis report as a reader.  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{crc}  \hspace{2in} & {\sc Signed:} & \\ \cline{3-3}  & & {\small \sc \readertwotitleone} \\  & & {\small \sc \readertwotitletwo} \\  & & \\  & {\sc Date:} & \\ \cline{3-3}  \end{tabular}  \vspace{0in plus 1fill}  Comments: \\  \begin{tabular}{c}  \hspace{6.25in} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \end{tabular}  \newpage  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \newpage %%% Reader III Agreement %%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \begin{flushright}  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  \\ Department of \deptname  \\ Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139  \end{flushright}  \underline{\bf Doctoral Thesis Reader Agreement}  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc To:} & Department Graduate Committee  \\ {\small \sc From:} & \readerthree  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  The program outlined in the proposal:  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{rl}  {\small \sc Title:} & \title  \\ {\small \sc Author:} & \author  \\ {\small \sc Date:} & \submissiondate  \\ {\small \sc Supervisor:} & \supervisor  \\ {\small \sc Other Reader:} & \readerone  \\ {\small \sc Other Reader:} & \readertwo  \end{tabular}  \vspace{.25in}  is adequate for a Doctoral thesis.  I am willing to aid in guiding the research  and in evaluating the thesis report as a reader.  \vspace{.25in}  \begin{tabular}{crc}  \hspace{2in} & {\sc Signed:} & \\ \cline{3-3}  & & {\small \sc \readerthreetitleone} \\  & & {\small \sc \readerthreetitletwo} \\  & & \\  & {\sc Date:} & \\ \cline{3-3}  \end{tabular}  \vspace{0in plus 1fill}  Comments: \\  \begin{tabular}{c}  \hspace{6.25in} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \mbox{} \\ \cline{1-1} \mbox{} \\  \end{tabular}  \newpage  \end{document}