Joseph Nofech edited usepackage_fixltx2e_The_Structure_Function__1.tex  almost 8 years ago

Commit id: e6fc46a3db8ff2a0150bc37cf6203321afa321f5

deletions | additions      


where "$I$" refers to the intensity of light received from $^{13}$CO $(___???___)$ emissions, "$\vec r$" refers to the position of the source, and "$v$" refers to the radial velocity at which the source is moving.\\ \\  What we care about is the $S_{2(signal)}$. This is found simply by calculating $S_2$ from noise only, and subtracting it from $S_2$ overall.\\  The above image displays (from left to right) the $T_{max}$ map of the region of M33 that we're looking at (at speeds from $______$ $-104 km/s$  to $______$), $-208 km/s$ % vmin*velocityres to vmax*velocityres  ),  a 2D map of $S_{2(signal)}$ where $\delta v=0$, and a 1D plot of azimuthally-averaged $S_{2(signal)}$ versus radius (for various values of $\delta v$).