RONINA CAOILI-TAYUAN edited figures.tex  almost 8 years ago

Commit id: 80bf37420c34e8733714b6992eb705560a3fe51c

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\section{Figures}  Note that \verb|\label| must occur AFTER (or within) \verb|\caption|. For figures, \verb|\caption| should occur after the \verb|\includegraphics|. Note that IEEEtran v1.7 \section{Methodology}  This study used experimental  and later has special internal code that is designed descriptive research methodology to achieve success in a systematic procedure in aspiring a well and clear sequence of study. Experimental was used  to preserve answer  the operation problem  of\verb|\label| within\verb| \caption| even when  the captionsoff option is study with the hypothesis or given solution of using knowledge-base rules  in effect. However, because the query. A descriptive research would provide information about one or more variables. It would answer the question “what exists?” This study used descriptive research design for reason that the focus would be at the present condition  of issues like this, it may clinical decision support system in pediatrics and e-prescribing and will find improvements that could  be made. Interviews with  the safest practice doctors (e.g. Pediatricians, Nurses, Pharmacists, Obstetricians-Gynecologists, etc.) were made and continuous research would be done  to put all your \verb|\label| just after \verb|\caption| rather than within \verb|\caption{}|. further add knowledge about the proposed system.