RONINA CAOILI-TAYUAN edited introduction.tex  almost 8 years ago

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One theory that prompted this research on how patients are being diagnosed that leads to misdiagnosis or giving a delayed diagnosis by the doctor.  \subsection{\textbf{Childbirth Injuries}}  S A number of fetal injuries can be caused by medical malpractice; including brain injuries (such as cerebral palsy and seizure disorders), fractured bones, and erb's and klumpke's palsy (damage to nerves that control the arms and hands). However, keep in mind that these injuries are more often caused by something other than medical malpractice (Michon, Kathleen 2016).   A physician or obstetrician's negligence can happen during childbirth or long before.  Negligent prenatal care. If negligent medical treatment is provided during the pregnancy, it could harm the fetus or the mother (or both). Some examples of negligent prenatal care include the physician or obstetricians:  • failure to diagnose a medical condition of the mother, such as preeclampsia, Rh incompatibility, hypoglycemia, anemia, or gestational diabetes  • failure to identify birth defects  • failure to identify ectopic pregnancies, or  • failure to diagnose a disease that could be contagious to the mother's fetus (such as genital herpes or neonatal lupus).  Negligence during childbirth. A doctor's negligence during childbirth could cause injury to the baby and harm to the mother. Common medical errors during childbirth include the physician or obstetricians:  • failure to anticipate birth complications due to the baby's large size or because the umbilical cord got tangled  • failure to respond to signs of fetal distress  • failure to order a cesarean section when one was appropriate, or  • incompetent use of forceps or a vacuum extractor.   Therefore, further study helps us understand how to improve the quality of medical decisions at the time and place that these decisions are made. The specific objectives of this study is to develop a better Clinical Decision Support System that will provide guidelines through which the physicians can model their decisions, and to create decision support system that can lead to a reduction of the practice pattern variation that plagues the healthcare delivery process. The dynamic environment surrounding patient diagnosing complicates the process of diagnosis due to the numerous variables in play, such as individual patient circumstances, the location, time and physician’s previous experiences. A clinical decision support system aims to reduce the effects of these variables.  In addition, misdiagnosis will be eliminated due to the Decision Support System which will output the exact interpretation based on the diagnoses done from the patient. The study mainly focused on the development of decision-making in pediatrics and electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) which generated an intelligent interpretation of the diagnoses and prescribe the best treatment as an action plan for the patients (such as newborn babies up to 21 years of age).  \subsection{Subsection Heading Here}  Subsection text here. Let's show some more LaTeX: Obviously, ${W_{\Xi}}$ is composite. Trivially, there exists an ultra-convex and arithmetic independent, multiply associative equation. So $\infty^{1} > \overline{0}$. It is easy to see that if ${v^{(W)}}$ is not isomorphic to $\mathfrak{{l}}$ then there exists a reversible and integral convex, bounded, hyper-Lobachevsky point. One can easily see that $\hat{\mathscr{{Q}}} \le 0$. Now if $\bar{\mathbf{{w}}} > h' ( \alpha )$ then ${z_{\sigma,T}} = \nu$. Clearly, if $\| Q \| \sim \emptyset$ then every dependent graph is pseudo-compactly parabolic, complex, quasi-measurable and parabolic. This completes the proof.  \subsubsection{Subsubsection Heading Here}  Subsubsection text here. This is how you can cite other articles. Just type \verb|\cite{DOI}| where DOI is a Digital Object Identifier. For example cite \href{}{this article published in IEEE INFOCOM 2001} \cite{Aad_Castelluccia_2001}