<div><div>So the next time you are designing a poster for a seminar, a picture for an infographic, tweeting about the "DNA of your brand," or putting it on the cover of one of the world's oldest scientific journals (<cite class="ltx_cite" data-bib-text="@article{Eisen_2010,
	doi = {10.1038/467401d},
	url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/467401d},
	year = 2010,
	month = {sep},
	publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
	volume = {467},
	number = {7314},
	pages = {401--401},
	author = {Michael Eisen},
	title = {{DNA} dealt wrong hand on cover},
	journal = {Nature}
}" data-bib-key="Eisen_2010" contenteditable="false"><a href="#Eisen_2010">Eisen 2010</a></cite>) Do everyone a favor and make sure the chirality is.... right! &nbsp;<br></div><br></div>