Lucas Fidon edited subsection_Mutual_Information_definition_and__.tex  almost 8 years ago

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\subsection{Mutual Information: definition and properties}  Mutual Information is widely used for instance for registration of medical images as it is depicted in \cite{Pluim_2003}. The main idea is to introduced a feature space (or a joint probability) of the two trajectories we want to compare and to evaluate the quantity of "information" information  shared by the two trajectories based on this feature space. This quantity is calculate with Mutual Information. In our case the feature space will be the distribution of the couple of positions of 2 players' trajectories during a window of time during a few minutes. Thus it corresponds to a 4-dimension distribution. The Mutual Infomation of this distribution will be the lynchpin of our similarity measure for trajectories.  \subsubsection{Entropy}