Sven Schmit edited untitled.tex  over 9 years ago

Commit id: afade3315db15f66014d1928779af9c5a73c7d21

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\textit{Oh, Sheephearding is one of the oldest trades, where a herder (with help of one or multiple dogs) tries to herd sheep.  In this project, we define a simplified model of sheepherding where dogs try to move sheep to a target.   We then use simulations and reinforcement learning to train  an empty article!} AI for the dogs that is capable of performing several tasks related to sheepherding.  You can get started by \textbf{double clicking} this text block and begin editing. You can also click If proven successful, we could replace herding dogs with drones that do all  the \textbf{Insert} button below to add new block elements. Or you can \textbf{drag and drop an image} right onto this text. Happy writing! sheepherding automatically.