journal: Transportation Research E
\label{tab:parameters}Truckload and Intermodal model parameters and units (based on values provided by Janic —\cite{Janic2007}— and updated for the 2014 year)
Parameter Description Value Unit
\(k_{L}\) Dimensionless factor for linehaul distance 1.15
\(c^{v}_{L}\) Cost of linehaul per hour 35.00 $/hr
\(c^{V}_{z}\) Cost of zone delivery per hour 20.00 $/hr
\(W_{L}\) Capacity of linehaul vehicle 12,000.00 kg
\(W_{z}\) Capacity of lastmile vehicle 12,000.00 kg
\(k_{z}\) Dimensionless factor for lastmile 1.15
\(t_{z}\) Stop time per customer 0.60 hr
\(c_{h}\) Handling cost per hour at origin station 3.41 $/hr
\(c_{k}\) Handling cost per hour at end station \(1.2\cdot c_{h}\) $/hr
\(h_{l}\) Handling capacity in kg per hour 3,000.00 kg/hr
\(c_{r}\) Cost per railcar per km 0.60 $/km
\(\psi\) Load factor of railcar per m\({}^{2}\) 4.00 pax/m\({}^{2}\)
\(\overline{w}\) Average weight profile of the
population \citep{IBGE2013} 67.00 kg/pax