This repository contains the sources for the paper:

FRETBursts: An Open Source Toolkit for Analysis of Freely-Diffusing Single-Molecule FRET

Antonino Ingargiola, Eitan Lerner, SangYoon Chung, Shimon Weiss, Xavier Michalet

Published on BioRxiv

Published on PLOS ONE

To run the code examples and reproduce the figures on the cloud click on:


then enter in the notebooks folder and run the main notebook.

For a permanent record, you can replicate the exact environment used in this publication
by using conda and the file environment.yml (linux) or
environment_osx.yml (OS X)
in this repository (e.g. conda env create --name test --file environment.yml).
This will install the exact version of FRETBursts and of all its dependencies used for this publication.

To know more about FRETBursts see FRETBursts Homepage.