
This python code is available at


You can access the latest version via svn:

svn checkout https://svn.aoc.nrao.edu/repos/SSS/vlass/trunk/scripts/src/main/python/

Rafael has prepared the code so that it will retrieve scan boundaries from the database, once we have set up the database. For the moment, when you run the code you must give it the tile boundaries. For example:

OTF_scans_from_tile.py <'prefix'> --decmin=<decmin> --decmax=<decmax> --raeast=<raeast> --rawest=<rawest>

The value of ’prefix’ should be the tile name. The source names will have ’prefix’ prepended, and this will be the catalog name for these sources in the SCT.

Hard-wired parameters based on the survey definition:

  • survey speed = 24 deg2/hr

  • row separation = 7.2 arcmin

  • tphase = 0.9s (time per phase center)

Optional arguments:

  • --use_database : instead of specifying tile boundaries, retrieve boundaries from database. If not using the database, all four tile boundaries must be specified, as in the command above.

  • --rastart=[east/west] : specify whether to start scanning from the east edge or west edge. Should be determined by the location of the phase calibrator to the tile.

  • --source_output : output file with source definitions. If not supplied, source file will be <prefix>_sources.txt

  • --scan_output : output file with scan definitions. If not supplied, scan file will be <prefix>_scans.txt