Gail Clement edited  about 7 years ago

Commit id: bb9527ceccaa9d1995ec1e99a8fdecea55cb567d

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# References  Clement,  Gail P.Clement  andFred  Rascoe, Fred,  ETD Management and Publishing in the ProQuest System and the University Repository: A Comparative Analysis. [Journal Journal  of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 1 (2013)]. (2013). (  ( Gail Clement, [Free Gail. "Free  US ETDs: The Archived Postings from the FUSE Blog, 2012-2014]. 2012-2014."  ( Clement, Gail P. "American ETD dissemination in the age of open access: ProQuest, NoQuest, or allowing student choice", College and Research Libraries News, vol. 74 no. 11 562-566 (