Roger Coe Eddy edited par_textbf_Institutional_Resistances_begin__.tex  almost 8 years ago

Commit id: 1eec94c5bd637870e81e3483140b971cfd4d0d1e

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4c. The head of the FBI has commented upon the "Ferguson Effect." Police officers are changing habits of behavior and avoiding conflict because of fears of being punished, dismissed, or charged for erroneously labeled "racial discrimination." While it is appropriate to evaluate each incident, policy changes in response to media or political pressures do not necessarily improve overall efficacy of policing. Statistical measures are questionable measures but often used to justify organizational changes, even when the supporting statistics are known to be questionable.   \end{quote}  \par\textbf{Better Tools}  \begin{quote} 5a. These brief sentences may give the reader an idea of what kind of events and terms were being studied but there is not sufficient detail in the brief sentences to learn from them. A tool is needed for better narrative description. What happened? This narrative should have at least some limited discussion of the opinion of the author as well as a description of the event. This tool could be called a Narrative Report. This is a story, on the surface simple, but quite important to investigating error and subject to many differing interpretations. The differences are not resolved by one correct answer but are helpful in determining where lapses, conflicts, issues, exist.  \end{quote}  \begin{quote}  5b.When we solicited narrative reports and wrote them ourselves we discovered our descriptions of events suffered from a lack of \emph{close observation} and insufficient appreciation of the role of \emmph{particpant observation}. We also found shorter briefer incident notes had a useful place in indexing concepts, that is "here is an example of X." We added a short note form at this time called "OoopsDaisy." to address thise issues. We also found these short notes an aide to memory and at times resilience. \end{quote}  \par\textbf{Biased Approaches to Life Events}