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Neutron stars typically have magnetic fields of $\sim 10^{12} \rm \ G$. However, if a neutron star's rotation period is comparable to the convective overturn time, magnetic fields can be amplified by helical motion in amechanism called  mean field dynamo. These highly magnetized neutron stars, magnetars, are born with short periods of $\sim$ 1 ms, which allow them to support an efficient $\alpha-\Omega$ dynamo, resulting in large magnetic dipole fields of $10^{14}-10^{15} \rm \ G$ \cite{Duncan_1992}. %They were first proposed by \cite{Duncan_1992} to explain Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs).   A magnetar of mass $1.4 M_{\odot}$, $R = 10 \ \rm km$, and $P = 1 \ \rm ms$ has a rotational energy of   \begin{equation}   E_{\rm rot} = I \omega^2 /2 = \dfrac{1}{5}MR^2 \left(\dfrac{2\pi}{P}\right)^2 \simeq 4 \times 10^{51} \ \rm erg  \end{equation}  assuming the solid sphere moment of inertia as an approximation. The strong magnetic stresses and torques damped the rotation and release a large fraction of $E_{\rm rot}$ on the time scale of \begin{equation}   \label{eqn:timescale}  \tau \simeq 0.6 B_{15}^{-2} (P/1 \ {\rm ms})^2 \ \rm hr  \end{equation} \cite{Duncan_1992}. This amount of energy is similar to that released in $\gamma$-ray bursts and superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), thus making magnetar an attractive candidate for the central engine that power these explosions. In %In  the past two decades, a connection has been made between supernovae and at least some subclass of long-duration $\gamma$-ray bursts (GRBs), supporting the case that they are powered by the same mechanism. \   Around the same time that magnetars were proposed, a realization had emerged that GRBs could have cosmological origin. This would require a total energy of $\sim 10^{51} \ \rm erg$ to explain the observed flux assuming isotropic emission (e.g. \citealp{Paczynski_1991}). Interestingly, \citet{Usov_1992} proposing the first proposal of  highly magnetized neutron stars as central engines of these bursts bursts, \citet{Usov_1992},  was published only a day after \citet{Duncan_1992}. The proposed scenario is such that a magnetar forms from a white dwarf via accretion induced collapse (AIC). The WD magnetic field of $\sim 10^9 \ \rm G$ is amplified to $10^{15} \rm \ G$ by magnetic flux conservation. The rotational period of $\sim 1 \ \rm ms$ is a result of angular momentum conservation. \footnote{\citet{Duncan_1992} also briefly mentioned this scenario as a possible explanation for cosmological GRBs.}  The newly formed neutron star then loses its rotational energy quickly due to electromagnetic torque, generating electric fields that accelerate particles to ultra-relativistic energies, which eventually give out $\gamma$-ray. The timescale of  energy released time scale release  due to magnetic dipole luminosity and gravitational wave emission of $\sim 20 \ \rm s$ for a typical magnetar is consistent with the timescale of long-duration GRBs \cite{Usov_1992}. Near the magnetar's surface out to the light cylinder, the optical depth to this radiation due to Compton scattering, absorption, and pair-cration is large. The radiation has to propagate out to a photosphere radius of $\sim 10^8 \ \rm cm$ before it is released. The typical radiated $\gamma$-ray energies of $0.1-1 \ \rm MeV$ is also consistent with those observed from GRBs \cite{Usov_1992}. \  

\   The requirement of collimated relativistic flows leading to bi-polar jets in GRBs limit the central engines to only magnetars having minimal periods of $1 \ \rm ms$ and magnetic fields of $\sim 10^{15} \ \rm G$. However, their less extreme population can still power quite fantastic cosmic fireworks. \cite{Duncan_1992} noted that the spin down timescale given in \ref{eqn:timescale} is shorter than the SN shock breakout time, making SNe that create magnetars brighter than usual. These subclasses of brighter Type II SNe are indeed observed (e.g. \citealp{Richardson_2002}). Recently, a number of rare superluminous SNe (SLSNe) are discovered, emitted the total radiation energy of $\sim 10^{51} \ \rm erg$ (e.g. SN\,2005ap \cite{Quimby_2007}; SN\,2008es \cite{Miller_2008}). \citet{Kasen_2010} showed that magnetars with $B \sim 10^{14} \ \rm G$ and initial period $P \sim 2-20 \ \rm ms$ can release rotational energy via magnetic dipole radiation on the spin-down timescale comparable to the effective diffusion time of the ejecta. They showed that these magnetars can enhance the peak luminosity to what given by Equation (4) in \citet{Kasen_2010}, which is exceeding $10^{43} \rm \ erg/s $, brighter than normal core-collapse Type II-P SNe.