Samaporn Tinyanont edited untitled.tex  almost 8 years ago

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Magnetars are neutron stars born with short periods of $\sim$ 1 ms, which allow them to support an efficient $\alpha-\Omega$ dynamo, resulting in magnetic dipole fields of $10^{14}-10^{15} \rm \ G$. This field strength is higher than that of normal neutron stars by a factor of $\sim 10^2$. They were first proposed by \cite{Duncan_1992} to explain Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs). A magnetar of mass $1.4 M_{\odot}$, $R = 10 \ \rm km$, and $P = 1 \ \rm s$ ms$  has a rotational energy of \begin{equation}  E_{\rm rot} = I \omega^2 /2 = \dfrac{1}{5}MR^2 \left(\dfrac{2\pi}{P}\right)^2 \simeq 4.4 \times 10^{51} \ \rm erg  \end{equation}