Samaporn Tinyanont edited untitled.tex  almost 8 years ago

Commit id: 540e0ff09f1a165f82d4e8a208e52664a3e7c620

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\   Recent works have shown that while magnetars formed via AIC might be responsible for some GRBs, magnetars formed in the core collapse of massive stars like the one proposed by \citet{Duncan_1992} are probably more prevalent \cite{Metzger_2011}. The modern view of the mechanism is as the following. Shortly after the core bounce, a non-relativistic wind heated by neutrino blows through the cavity carved out by the supernova (SN) shock into a bipolar jet. The relativistic jet from the newly formed magnetar follows, and emerge as GRB prompt emission. After $30-100 \ \rm s$, the maximum Lorantz factor increases to $\gg $\sigma_{0} \gg  1$ rendering magnetic dissipationa nd jet acceleration ineffective. This ended the prompt GRB within the observed timescale of $\sim 20 \ \rm s$ \cite{Metzger_2011}.