Jason R. Green edited Introduction.tex  over 9 years ago

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The ability to quantify disorder is essential information for understanding your system. In our previous work a theory was developed for analyzing first order irreversible decay kinetics through an inequality[insert citation]. The convenience of this inequality is through its ability to quantify disorder, with the unique property of becoming an equality only when the system is disorder free, and therefore described by chemical kinetics in its classical formulation. The next problem that should be addressed is that of higher order kinetics, what if the physical systems one wishes to understand are more complex kinetic schemes, they would require a modified theoretical framework for analysis, but should and can be addressed. To motivate this type of development systems such as...... are all known to proceed through higher ordered kinetics, and all of these systems possess unique and interesting applications, therefore a more complete kinetics description of them should be pursued[insert citations].   Static and dynamic disorder lead to an observed rate coefficient that depends on time $k(t)$.  The main result in Reference[cite] is an inequality \begin{equation}  \mathcal{L}(\Delta{t})^2\leq \mathcal{J}(\Delta{t})  \end{equation}