Jason R. Green edited Nonlinear irreversible kinetics.tex  over 9 years ago

Commit id: 362dc8dc2688a618f930bc0c7971e9facfa5065e

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%\begin{equation}  % \frac{\mathcal{J}_i(\Delta t)}{\Delta t} = \int_{t_i}^{t_f}{(i-1)^2\omega_i^2}\left(C_i^{i-1}(0)\right)^{2} dt.  %\end{equation}  For the equations governing traditional kinetics, both the statistical length squared and the divergence are $(i-1)^2\omega_i^2\left(C_i^{i-1}(0)\right)^2\Delta t^2$: the bound holds when there is no static or dynamic disorder, and a single rate coefficient $\omega_i$  is sufficient to characterize irreversible decay. The nonlinearity of the rate law leads to solutions that depend on concentration. This concentration dependence is also present in both $\mathcal{J}$ and $\mathcal{L}$.