Shane Flynn edited Kinetic model with dynamic disorder.tex  over 9 years ago

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In general we can write the $n^{th}$ order rate law for the KWW model using the new formulations for the nonlinear differential KWW and survival function.  \begin{equation}  \frac{d}{dt}[S(t)]=\frac{1}{n-1}(\frac{1}{1+z^\beta \frac{d}{dt}[S_n(t)]=\frac{1}{n-1}(\frac{1}{1+z^\beta  t^\beta})^{\frac{2-n}{n-1}}(\frac{-z^\beta\beta t^{\beta -1}}{(1+z^\beta t^\beta)^2}) \end{equation}  Such that z contains all the time independent variables $\omega C_a(o)^{n-1}$  Assuming an overall second-order process with a time depedent rate coefficient the survival function is $S_2(t) = 1/\left(1+(\omega tC_2(0))^{\beta}\right)$. We can then simplify the rate law expression.