Huang Lie Jun edited subsection_A_B_Since_A__.tex  about 8 years ago

Commit id: 0769d612d88a9327ce108a70e832f03a782585d1

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\subsection{\( . (B, C)\)}  Since \(B = 2C\) is the constraint, Domain \(D_B\) will be reduced to \{0, 2\} to be make arc \((B, C)\) arc-consistent. This change causes arc \((A, B)\) to be re-inserted to the arc queue.  State: 

\(D_C = \{0, 1\}\)  \subsection{\( . (A, B) : revise(true)\)} revise\)}  Since Domain \(D_B\) has been changed, based on the constraint graph, Domain \(D_A\) will be reduced to \{1, 3\} to be make arc \((A, B)\) arc-consistent again. 

\(D_B = \{0, 2\}\)  \(D_C = \{0, 1\}\)\subsection{\( . (B, A) : revise(false)\)}  Since Domain \(D_A\) has been changed, based on the constraint graph, Domain \(D_B\) will be checked again for consistency. However, all numbers in Domain \(D_B\) satisfy the constraint. No revision is made.