<div>This statement may suggest that research is a serious business, and it generally is, but many discoveries researchers make are somewhat silly. &nbsp;Research like "<b>Pressures produced when penguins pooh—calculations on avian defaecation</b>" (<cite class="ltx_cite" data-bib-text="@article{Meyer_Rochow_2003,
	doi = {10.1007/s00300-003-0563-3},
	url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00300-003-0563-3},
	year = 2003,
	month = {dec},
	publisher = {Springer Science $\mathplus$ Business Media},
	volume = {27},
	number = {1},
	pages = {56--58},
	author = {Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow and Jozsef Gal},
	title = {Pressures produced when penguins pooh?calculations on avian defaecation},
	journal = {Polar Biology}
}" data-bib-key="Meyer_Rochow_2003"><a href="#Meyer_Rochow_2003">Meyer-Rochow 2003</a></cite>) or the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY4AEubKFh0">"Shrimp Fight Club"</a> actually entitled "<b>Contests with deadly weapons: telson sparring in mantis shrimp (Stomatopoda)</b>" (<cite class="ltx_cite" data-bib-text="@article{Green_2015,
	doi = {10.1098/rsbl.2015.0558},
	url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2015.0558},
	year = 2015,
	month = {sep},
	publisher = {The Royal Society},
	volume = {11},
	number = {9},
	pages = {20150558},
	author = {P. A. Green and S. N. Patek},
	title = {Contests with deadly weapons: telson sparring in mantis shrimp (Stomatopoda)},
	journal = {Biol. Lett.}
}" data-bib-key="Green_2015"><a href="#Green_2015">Green 2015</a></cite>). &nbsp; Such research has come under attack from many in congress, calling it "<b><i>wasteful.</i></b>" &nbsp;In fact, Senator Jeff Flake assembled what he calls a <a href="http://www.flake.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/03714fa3-e01d-46a1-9c19-299533056741/wastebook---the-farce-awakens.pdf">"wastebook"</a> mocking the work of researchers he deemed to be a waste of time and money.</div><div></div>