Tash Diaz edited usepackage_graphicx_section_Review_of__.tex  about 8 years ago

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Studies have been conducted about the implementation of EMG based gestures on guitar rhythm games. An alternate interface has been developed in the study conducted by Armiger et al. \cite{Armiger_2008} for Guitar Hero® using surface EMG to train and assess the performance of upper-extremity amputees. Instead of using the guitar, EMG electrodes were used to record the myoelectric activity. After recording, the acquired data is processed in real-time using pattern recognition algorithms to classify the gestures and then use them to control the game. In their experiment, the scores obtained using EMG control were relatively lower than those of which were achieved via manual gameplay.  \begin{figure}  \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{}  \caption{A boat.}  \label{fig:boat1} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t35.0-12/12809911_10201525894264974_1177303203_o.jpg?oh=e11e80d15d7c89401808cf7810a4200a&oe=56E10798&__gda__=1457573700_ba927abf20c06c2a60d6aef221019ffb}  \caption{Table 1.}  \label{fig:table1}  \end{figure}  Figure \ref{fig:boat1} shows a boat. \ref{fig:table1}  Aside from using EMG signals as computer inputs for game control, a notable study performed by Schuuurink et al. \cite{Schuurink_2008} applied the said technology for measuring the user's engagement in the game. It has been learned that effects of sound and dynamics in serious gaming have shown a significant influence on the affective appraisal of the environment.