Tash Diaz edited section_Review_of_Related_Literature__.tex  about 8 years ago

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\usepackage{graphicx}  \section{Review of Related Literature}  \subsection{Related Studies on Electromyography in Computer Science} 

\subsection{Related Studies on muscle based gestures in Computer Science games}  In the game industry, EMG technology has been widely used to replace physical components, such as the traditional joysticks and keyboards with something virtual. In a study conducted by Wheeler and Jorgensen \cite{Wheeler_2003}, it has been understood that there are two forms of most used gesture-recognition systems for receiving inputs. First is through image The inputs can be received through:  \begin{enumerate}  \item Image  processing with an external camera as the source of input. Second is through muscle \item Muscle  sensors such as the \end{enumerate}  In their study, Wheeler and Jorgensen have developed a  wearable dry-electrode sleeve devicethey have developed  to sense EMG signal as computer inputs. These EMG electrodes work by detecting skin currents with a very low-impendence connection with the skin. It receives the currents that travel in the muscle fiber from the innervation point to the end of the muscle. This device was tested using a virtual number pad and in their case, the participant had to be extra careful and precise with each movement because of the sensitivity and difficulty of distinguishing the keys that were hit. As mentioned, another gesture-recognition system is image processing through an external camera. In the study performed by Rautaray et al. \cite{Rautaray_2011}, various image processing techniques were applied for hand tracking and gesture recognition in a virtual gaming environment such as Camshift, Lucas Kanade, Haar etc. The different gestures used for the game interactions were grab, punch and go.  As mentioned above, another gesture-recognition system is image processing through an external camera. In the study performed by Rautaray et al. \cite{Rautaray_2011}, various image processing techniques were applied for hand tracking and gesture recognition in a virtual gaming environment such as Camshift, Lucas Kanade, Haar etc. The different gestures used for the game interactions were grab, punch and go.  According to Jayarathne et al. \cite{Jayarathne_2015}, a surface EMG (sEMG) application that can indicate muscle efforts has been created. After developing, the muscle effort indicator application was then implemented in the Flappy Bird game. It has been demonstrated that with the use of fast Fourier transform (FFT) and several other computer algorithms that sEMG can be used to provide biofeedback in a gaming environment. Another muscle contraction research was carried out by Gao et al. \cite{Gao_2006}in which the force of the muscles was also calculated with the implementation of sEMG and several computing techniques such as black-propagation neural network, 3-D accelerometers and more for an Arm Wrestling Robot game.  Several studies Researches about the use of EMG in therapeutic games were performed by Brown et al. \cite{Donoso_Brown_2014} and Viriyasaksathian et al. \cite{Viriyasaksathian_2011}. EMG gestures were applied to a game for the upper-limb rehabilitation and motor control improvement of stroke patients. In the research conducted by the latter, the combination of music synchronization, biofeedback technology and augmented reality was employed to attract the attention of stroke patients since existing therapy methods are often boring thus results to lack of motivation.  Studies  have been conducted about the implementation of EMG based gestures on therapeutic games for rehabilitation purposes. guitar rhythm games.  An alternate interface has been developed in the study conducted by Armiger et al. \cite{Armiger_2008} for Guitar Hero® using surface EMG to train and assess the performance of upper-extremity amputees. Instead of using the guitar, EMG electrodes were used to record the myoelectric activity. After recording, the acquired data is processed in real-time using pattern recognition algorithms to classify the gestures and then use them to control the game. The In their experiment, the  scores obtained by the amputees using EMG control  were relatively lower than those of the non-amputees. which were achieved via manual gameplay.  \begin{figure}  \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12801215_10201497237228566_4252905678446085870_n.jpg?oh=852e6160fdd4986d12c1118d19140de6&oe=5760211A&__gda__=1465937683_1d0e2bbe67709074740b7d7ac81a1afd}  \caption{A boat.}  \label{fig:boat1}  \end{figure}  Figure \ref{fig:boat1} shows a boat.  Studies about therapeutic games were also performed by Brown et al. \cite{Donoso_Brown_2014} and Viriyasaksathian et al. \cite{Viriyasaksathian_2011}. EMG gestures were applied to a game for the upper-limb rehabilitation and motor control improvement of stroke patients. In the research conducted by the latter, the combination of music synchronization, biofeedback technology and augmented reality was employed to attract the attention of stroke patients since existing therapy methods are often boring thus results to lack of motivation.  Aside from using EMG signals as computer inputs for game control, a notable study performed by Schuuurink et al. \cite{Schuurink_2008} applied the said technology for measuring the user's engagement in the game. It has been learned that effects of sound and dynamics in serious gaming have shown a significant influence on the affective appraisal of the environment.