SAFE (Secured Access for Everyone)

SAFE Network is

a decentralized network of users, communicating through the distributed self-encryption technology created by MaidSafe.MaidSafe

The SAFE network, decentralized Internet, is the solution for scalability, security, and accessibility of personal health information. The SAFE network manages static and dynamic data as well as communications via a decentralized server that performs the tasks of today’s httpd, ssh, scp, ftp, smtp, pop3, imap etc. servers. That means all services available on today’s centralized internet like cloud storage, VOIP, video streaming, EMR/EHR’s are possible without any data centres or centralizing structures and the data is spread across many computers (nodes) with no one device having an intact copy of a file.MaidSafe

19th century Auguste Kerckhoffs’ six principles of practical cipher design still hold true today and are essential elements needed for any successful reservoir of personal health information.\cite{Kahn_1997} The SAFE network incorporates all six principles, but “Kerckhoffs’ principle” (Second principle) related to the design of a system should not require secrecy and the fifth that states documents should be portable and operable by a single person, are central to the SAFE network design.\cite{Kahn_1997} The “trust No One” approach is used when cryptographic technology is fashioned in a way it is not necessary to trust a third party; and is the defining characteristic that will allow success of a universal resevoir of personal information like a PHR/EHR/EMR. The SAFE network satisfies this principle by three main system components: 1) Self Encryption 2) Autonomous network 3)Self Authentication.\cite{Irvine_MaidSafe}\cite{Irvine_Autonomous}\cite{Irvine_Self-Authentication}