Mix and Splay

Here’s a cool trick. You can use multichannel expansion to generate complex sounds, and then mix it all down to mono or stereo with Mix or Splay:

// 5 channels output (watch Meter window)
a = { SinOsc.ar([100, 300, 500, 700, 900], mul: 0.1) }.play;
// Mix it down to mono:
b = { Mix(SinOsc.ar([100, 300, 500, 700, 900], mul: 0.1)) }.play;
// Mix it down to stereo (spread evenly from left to right)
c = { Splay.ar(SinOsc.ar([100, 300, 500, 700, 900], mul: 0.1)) }.play;
// Fun with Splay:
d = {arg fundamental = 110;
    var harmonics = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
    var snd = BPF.ar(
        in: Saw.ar(32, LFPulse.ar(harmonics, width: 0.1)),
        freq: harmonics * fundamental,
        rq: 0.01,
        mul: 20);
d.set(\fundamental, 100); // change fundamental just for fun

Can you see the multichannel expansion at work in that last example? The only difference is that the array is first stored into a variable (harmonics) before being used in the UGens. The array harmonics has 9 items, so the synth will expand to 9 channels. Then, just before the .play, Splay takes in the array of nine channels and mix it down to stereo, spreading the channels evenly from left to right.1

Mix has another nice trick: the method fill. It creates an array of synths and mixes it down to mono all at once.

// Instant cluster generator
c = { Mix.fill(16, {SinOsc.ar(rrand(100, 3000), mul: 0.01)}) }.play;
// A note with 12 partials of decreasing amplitudes
n = { Mix.fill(12, {arg counter;
    var partial = counter + 1; // we want it to start from 1, not 0
    SinOsc.ar(partial * 440, mul: 1/partial.squared) * 0.1

You give two things to Mix.fill: the size of the array you want to create, and a function (in curly braces) that will be used to fill up the array. In the first example above, Mix.fill evaluates the function 16 times. Note that the function includes a variable component: the frequency of the sine oscillator can be any random number between 100 and 3000. Sixteen sine waves will be created, each with a different random frequency. They will all be mixed down to mono, and you’ll hear the result on your left channel. The second examples shows that the function can take a counter argument (just like Array.fill). Twelve sine oscillators are generated following the harmonic series, and mixed down to a single note in mono.

  1. The last line before the .play could be explicitly written as Out.ar(0, Splay.ar(snd)) Remember that SuperCollider is graciously filling in the gaps and throwing in a Out.ar(0...) there—that’s how the synth knows it should play into your channels left (bus 0) and right (bus 1).